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"Oh, if it had bin even the Fish C'mmission boat instid of this bally-hoo o' blazes. If we only hed some decency an' order an' side-boys when she goes over! She'll have to climb that ladder like a hen, an' we we ought to be mannin' the yards!" "Then Harvey was not mad," said Penn, slowly, to Cheyne. "No, indeed thank God," the big millionaire replied, stooping down tenderly.

Keepin' his eye onto the pilot-boat, which were a couple of p'ints onto our weather bow, the old man no sooner seen her come to than he sings out, 'Hard up the helm! And as we swung off afore the wind we runned up the foresail and laid the head-yards square; then mannin' the port main braces we let the to'gallan' yards run down on the caps and let her come to ag'in, and so nicely had the old man calculated the distance that as she come to the wind she shot up alongside of the pilot-boat, stoppin' just abreast of her and not over twenty foot away.

And when the English changed New Amsterdam into New York, Jan Mannin became John Manning and I am his direct descendant, and the first of my blood to return to Venice to get the goblet Giovanni Manin ordered and left behind." "Well, I'm damned!" said Larry, pensively.

The old war-horse gathered himself up slowly and painfully, and with his arms folded and his jaw protruding, he limped toward the umpire. "Did you call me out?" he asked, in a voice plainly audible to any one on the field. "Yes," snapped Carter. "What for? I beat the ball, an' Mannin' played dirty with me gave me the hip." "I called you out." "But I wasn't out!" "Shut up now!