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It is to exult that, as far as his eye can see, it beholds no wigwam, nor one bringing thee gifts. Help Manito! Think upon thine own wrongs, remember the sufferings of the red man, and give me the scalp of Onontio. Accept my offering."

This gave them all new strength, and they ran forward and entered it. The leader spoke to the old man who sat in the lodge, saying, 'Nemesho, help us; we claim your protection, for the great bear will kill us. 'Sit down and eat, my grandchildren, said the old man. 'Who is a great manito? said he.

He looked at me before he dived, and as we looked in each other's eyes I knew he was a Manito; but he is evil, and my father said, 'When an evil Manito comes to trouble you, you must kill him. "One day, when I swam after a dead duck, he took me by the toe, but I reached shallow water and escaped him; and once I drove my fish-spear in his back, but it was not strong enough to hold him.

"Since I have sheltered you, I would sooner die with you than open the door." "Open," Manabozho cried again. The manito was silent. Manabozho made no attempt to force the door open. He waited a few moments. "Very well," said he, "I give you till night to live." The manito trembled, for he knew that when the hour came he would be shut up under the earth.

It was only by immense leaps to right and left that Manabozho could save his head from the sturdy blows which fell about him on every side, like pine-trees, from the hands of the Manito. He was badly bruised, and at his very wit's end, when a large woodpecker flew past and lit on a tree. It was a bird he had known on the prairie, near his grandmother's lodge.

They are of opinion that there is also a bad spirit, subordinate, however, to the great Manito, who is permitted to annoy and perplex the Indians, by means of bad medicines, by poisonous reptiles, and by killing their horses and sinking their canoes.

The old man, setting meat before them, said: 'Eat! who is a manito? there is no manito but me; there is none whom I fear; and the earth trembled as the monster advanced. The old man opened the door and saw him coming.

They great spirits sent to you by Manito to tell you how to be a mighty tribe again. Then great medicine will be done, and Thunder-maker will ask the pale-faces to speak what Manito has told them. "Then the pale-faces will tell the Dacotahs: 'Slay Mighty Hand!

Now this young man had for a friend a powerful guardian spirit or personal manito, and he resolved, with this spirit's aid, to use his utmost power to punish and humble the girl, for she was noted in her tribe for her coquetry, and had treated many young men, who were every way her equals, as she had treated this lover. He resolved on a singular stratagem by way of revenge.

They concluded, as usual when labouring under any affliction, that they were tormented by the evil spirit, and assembled to beat a large tambourine and sing an address to the Manito or deity, praying for relief according to the explanation which I received; but their prayer consisted of only three words constantly repeated.