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"Now," said Pierrebon, "fasten your wrist to your ankle your left wrist." "It is impossible," said Malsain thickly. "Then I shall blow your brains out when I have counted three. One!" Malsain looked about him with his red eye, and shuffled uneasily. "Two!" Malsain swore again, a nameless oath. "Th "

Man! that is the very girl we want; and Monsieur the Vidame, who lies within, twisting in his chair, will pay a thousand fat, gold Henris for her when he knows. Ho! it will be rare news for him!" "Are you sure?" "As I live. Did I not watch her for a whole week at Saumur? 'Tis well we have not Aramon and the rest with us. The fewer there are the larger the shares. Can Malsain deal with the lackey?"

It was steady as a rock, and behind the little black muzzle the match burned bravely; whilst behind the match was a red face with two blue eyes that looked as if they meant what their owner said. Malsain let his dagger drop with a clash. Pierrebon then advanced a couple of paces nearer, still holding the arquebus at Malsain's breast. "Now, my friend!

"After whom, monseigneur?" asked he who appeared to be their leader as he went on: "We have chased the air all day; are we to ride after phantoms by night?" "Fool! It is Mademoiselle de Paradis and her lover. He has wounded me, and killed Trotto and Piero and Malsain, and escaped with her ten minutes ago. They cannot have gone far, and the river must stop them. After them!"

"Well," and Pierrebon looked at him, "am I not your guest, as my master is your master's?" Malsain said nothing, but scowled across the table at Pierrebon; and the latter, who was as alert as a weasel when it came to the push, went on: "But, compère, they feed you thinly here and no wine!"

Malsain was already returning; and if it were to be war Pierrebon thought he might as well begin, and strike the first blow. Quick as thought he arose, and taking up the arquebus moved off near the horses, and he was blowing on the match to hearten the fire when Malsain stepped in. "Blood of a Jew! what are you doing with the arquebus, fool? Put it down this instant, or I slit your throat."

Take that bridle from the peg at your hand and fasten your ankles together. What! you hesitate?" Malsain hissed something between his teeth, and snatched the bridle from the peg. "Go on! A running knot lap it well round, and finish off! There! That is right! You are no novice, I see, mon vieux!"

"And so," he concluded, "Malsain has by this time disposed of the lackey, and La Marmotte is keeping the other birds amused until my return. When it is all settled," and Trotto laughed, "your excellency may make ready for the wedding, and La Marmotte will make a rare bridesmaid." With these words he bowed, and went to the door, but stopped at Simon's voice. "Trotto!" "Excellency!"

"Be silent, fool! Take what you can get, or leave it," said Malsain sullenly, his hand slipping down to his side; but Pierrebon laughed cheerily as he cut another slice of cheese, his two blue Burgundian eyes steadily fixed on Malsain's sallow face, and as they looked at each other there came a heavy footfall outside, and Piero called out in his deep voice: "Malsain! Here! A word with you!"

There were already three horses in the stables; but, as Malsain had said, there were still two stalls vacant, and here he put the nags. Whilst attending to them, however, he kept glancing uneasily at the supper before Malsain, which was diminishing at a frightful rate, for the thin man ate like a cormorant.