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Then he smiled malignly and said in a low tone, "You know already what we know, and I know very well that in your youth you carried contraband." Toni drew himself up haughtily. Now it was he who was indignant. "I have carried contraband, yes. And what is there astonishing about that?... Your grandparents did the same thing.

"I really think," Philippa asserted calmly, "that you are the most utterly impossible and obnoxious creature I have ever met." His face was dangerous for a moment. They had not yet reached the promontory which sheltered them from Dreymarsh. "Perhaps," he muttered, leaning malignly towards her, "I could make myself even more obnoxious." "Quite possibly," she replied, "only I want to tell you this.

She had not merely disappointed, she had slashed his high conceit of himself, curbed him at the first animal dash forward, and he champed the bit with the fury of a thwarted racer. Twice he passed her house. Of course no light was shown at her windows. They were scanned malignly. He held it due to her to call and inquire whether there was any truth in the report of Mrs. Warwick's illness. Mrs.

The novel is for the lighter moment after the deed is done, when he is no longer brunting Fate, but reclining idly, and reflecting humorously or malignly on this life. The epic is closely and strongly framed, like the gladiator about to strike a blow: the novel is relaxed and at careless ease, like the club-man after lighting his pipe.

To every bad there is a worse; and fortunately for little boys, and even for grown men, whom the Stirns of the world regard malignly, the majesty and law protect their ears, and the merciful forethought of nature deprived their remote ancestors of the privilege of entailing tails upon them.

When the party again took up the march around the southern end of the pool the owner of the eyes followed them large, round eyes, almost expressionless except for a certain cold cruelty which glinted malignly from under their pale gray irises. All unconscious of the stalker, the men came, late in the afternoon, to a spot which seemed favorable as a campsite.

This was the fascination Beauchamp felt weaving round him. Would you, that are separable from boys and mobs, and the object malignly called the Briton, prefer the celestial singing of a woman to her excellently talking?

As the morning drew on, I let the fire die to ashes and basked lazily in the sun. Not a sound had I heard from the dogs. My hoodoo was working malignly. Well, let it work. I was comfortable now, and that old bear could go to any other doom she preferred. It was pleasant enough to lie here alone in the forest and be free!

He turned to Æsop and addressed him, very pleasantly: "This, I think, will serve our purpose as well as any place in the world." Æsop grinned malignly. "It would suit my purpose," he said, "to get you out of the way in any place in the world." Lagardere laughed softly and shook his head.

Suddenly he saw the profile of the dead woman with one eye turned toward him, graciously and malignly, just as the "eye of the morning" must have looked at its mistress while uncoiling her mysterious dances in her Asiatic dwelling. Ulysses concentrated his attention on the Phantasm's pallid brow touched by the silky caress of her curls.