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This concise style was of immense value to her, as Ruth was later to learn. Ruth managed to slip the big envelope addressed to Mr. Hammond into the mailbag in the hall without spurring Helen's curiosity again. She had to chuckle to herself over it, for it really was a good joke on her chum. Unconsciously, Helen had given her the idea for this little allegorical comedy which she had written.

Then Walter realized what a girl's eyes may do in the matter of "imploring." He deliberately stepped over to Maud's side. "Oh, some valuable papers were taken from the mailbag," volunteered Clip. "And we thought the strange men might have found them." "You cheerful fibber," whispered Jack. "Come on, if you expect to get to Cartown to-day." "How can we, now?" asked Clip in an undertone.

Green prospects opened before them a broad valley was disclosed, with a broad, shallow stream dividing its meadows; scattered farmhouses, orderly, prosperous, commanded their shorn acres. A mailbag was detached and left at a crossroad in charge of two little girls, primly important, smothered in identical, starched pink sunbonnets.

It was not long after the table and the promise book had been restored to Wren, and following her complete recovery, that the suit against Mr. Robinson was dropped. Roland, Reed & Company admitted that they had arranged to have the papers taken from the mailbag, and the government imposed a heavy fine on them for their daring crime.

"I will simply trounce Jack if he attempts to overhaul our stores." Hazel laughed merrily. "If only Paul were along," she ventured. "And, Cora, do you know that mailbag business is not by any means settled?" she asked. "I know that, girlie," said Cora with polite seriousness, "but all troubles are tabooed on this ride, you know.

Just as he was preparing to ask them to go away, the Station-Master said that he would give the Sahib a ticket to Umritsar, if the Sahib would kindly come inside the booking-office. Golightly stepped inside, and the next thing he knew was that a constable was attached to each of his legs and arms, while the Station-Master was trying to cram a mailbag over his head.

As Toinette came down the hall shortly before dinner Miss Preston was just taking the letters from the basket to place them in the porter's mailbag. "Any mail to go, dear?" she asked. "No, thank you, Miss Preston," answered Toinette, and, jumping from the last step, ran off down the hall to join Cicely and the other girls.

Just as they drew up at the cottage door on their return, a blast of Captain Baxter's tin horn announced his arrival with the mail, and Edward, waiting only to assist the ladies and children to alight, hurried off to learn if they had any interest in the contents of the mailbag.

Out of this cloud presently emerged the neat figure of the postmistress with the mailbag which had been dexterously flung at her feet from the top of the passing vehicle.

He brought up the mailbag. Paul lost no time in reaching Cartown with the belated mail, and so was obliged to leave the girls an the road with scant ceremony, hardly pausing to discuss why he had been bound when no apparent robbery had been perpetrated.