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A person in the crowd, after some hesitation, said suddenly, "No comprenny!" and then, blushing deeply, backed out of the press and went away. "Take him into your room," whispered Bobbie to the Station Master. "Mother can talk French. She'll be here by the next train from Maidbridge." The Station Master took the arm of the stranger, suddenly but not unkindly.

And as the three children went home up the hill, Peter hugging the engine, now quite its own self again, Bobbie told, with joyous leaps of the heart, the story of how she had been an Engine-burglar. It was one day when Mother had gone to Maidbridge. She had gone alone, but the children were to go to the station to meet her.

It was on this day that the children first noticed that all engines are not alike. "Alike?" said the Porter, whose name was Perks, "lor, love you, no, Miss. No more alike nor what you an' me are. That little 'un without a tender as went by just now all on her own, that was a tank, that was she's off to do some shunting t'other side o' Maidbridge. That's as it might be you, Miss.

Then they showed him a Spanish one, and at that he took the envelope from Peter's hand and searched among the stamps with a hand that trembled. The hand that he reached out at last, with a gesture as of one answering a question, contained a RUSSIAN stamp. "He's Russian," cried Peter, "or else he's like 'the man who was' in Kipling, you know." The train from Maidbridge was signalled.

"In Northumberland," answered Bobbie. "I'm at school at Maidbridge," said Jim. "I suppose I've got to get back there, somehow." "Seems to me the Doctor ought to have a look in first," said the bailiff. "Oh, bring him up to our house," said Bobbie. "It's only a little way by the road. I'm sure Mother would say we ought to." "Will your Ma like you bringing home strangers with broken legs?"