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"I telephoned him again the next mornin'; but before I could say more'n two words to him he got mad and told me to quit botherin' him, and he rung off. That was day before yistiddy. When I got back to the house Vic Magner come to me, and I couldn't give her no satisfaction. So about six o'clock in the evenin' she made me pack up and git out.

Besides, if it hadn't been for him in the first place I wouldn't never 'a' got into all that trouble. I talked with him over the telephone at his office and he said he'd do somethin' for me. He said he'd send me some money that evenin' or else he'd bring it round himself. But he didn't do neither one. And Vic Magner, she kept on doggin' after me for her board money.

Ellzey owned a large tract of land including the Magner tract of which "Brecon Ridge" is now a part. Edward Payne, Colo. George Washington, Capt. Daniel McCarty, Colo. George William Fairfax, Mr. Alexander Henderson, Mr. William Gardner, Thomas Withers Coffer, William Linton and Thomas Ford."

At first I figgered the police would be a-comin' after me; but they didn't there wasn't nobody at all seen the shootin', I reckin. And I was skeered Vic Magner might tell on me; but I guess she didn't want to run no risk of gittin' in trouble herself that Captain Brennan, of the Second Precinct, he's been threatenin' to run her out of town the first good chance he got.

I was laid up three weeks, and last Monday, when I was up and jest barely able to crawl round, Vic Magner, she come to me and told me that I'd have to git out unless I could git somebody to stand good for my board. I owed her for three weeks already and I didn't have but nine dollars to my name.