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Maga and the gipsies came last, swarming behind us up the ladder through a hole among the beams, and clambering on to the roof over boxes piled in the draughty attic. Up under the stars a man was standing with an arm stretched out toward Tarsus. "Look!" he said simply.

That closed the arguments, because Maga Jhaere slipped past Kagig and approached us with the obvious intention of listening. She had discovered a knowledge of English scarcely perfect but astonishingly comprehensive, which she had chosen to keep to herself when we first met a regular gipsy trick.

Then, when the light was scarcely born as yet, she suddenly drew rein at an open place where the track she had been following emerged out of dense bushes, and dismounted. >From behind the bushes I watched, and presently I, too, dismounted to hold my mare's nostrils and prevent her from whinnying. That woman, Maga Jhaere, knelt, and pawed about the ground like a dog that hunts a buried bone!"

"You effendim make your escape! The Turks will surely seek to be revenged on you. I will show you a way across the mountains into Persia." "And you?" I asked. "Into hiding!" he answered grimly. "Maga little Maga, she shall come with me, and teach me more about the earth and sky and wind and water! Perhaps at last some day she shall make me no, never a king, but a sportman."

Hundreds, who could hardly forego the reading of Maga, were unable to pay for it twice what it costs in England; and I grant you, that when the first number was laid on my table at one-fourth the price of an importation, I myself was not the man to throw a pebble at the pirates, but wished them good luck and gave them my name as a subscriber.

The most celebrated Maga of all is the demon who haunts a certain underground corridor near Pozzuoli, containing an immense hoard of gold and jewels, which he is willing to present to anybody that is ready to give in exchange a new-born baby, presumably for purposes of devouring.

Now an editorial table seems to mean a board of green cloth at which literary broken-victuals are served out with no carving but that of the editorial scissors. La Maga has her table, too, and at fitting times invites to it her various Eminent Hands.

Whether we lounge in the sanctum, or roam over the moors, we feel the spirit of Christopher always with us. It has been attempted, on Wilson's behalf, to excuse the fierce criticism and violent personality of Maga in its early days, on the plea that his influence over that periodical was less then than afterwards, and that, as his control increased, the bitterness decreased.

Those are the homes of my nation of my kin!" "And good God, where d'you suppose Miss Vanderman is?" Fred exclaimed. Will was standing beside Maga, looking into her eyes as if he hoped to read in them the riddle of Armenia. So now the awaited ripe reward Your cactus crown!

My Dear Godfrey, I am sorry to begin my letter with an apology, but I feel that one is due for the very unsatisfactory manner in which, on a former occasion, I answered your grave inquiries about the pirates who thrive on the plunder of Maga.