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"Who eats little earns much," replied Marchetto. "Is it not the most beautiful piece of Rhodes you ever saw, Effendim? There is not a Pasha in Stamboul, nor in Pera, nor in Scutari, who possesses the like of it. Only a hundred and fifty pounds; it is very cheap." "I will give you ten pounds for it, if you will give me a good backsheesh," said Gregorios at last.

He drew her down and kissed her as tenderly as if she were a little child; then rose to his feet. "You forgive her, effendim?" he asked. "You forgive her for my sake?" None answered him. Perhaps he asked too much. "Never mind me, then, effendim. Not for my sake, but for the good work she has so often done, and for the work she shall do you forgive her?" We all looked toward Gloria.

The man was very pale, and stammered his replies, but the extraordinary accuracy with which he recounted the details already given by Patoff did not escape the diplomatist. "Have you anything more to tell?" asked the ambassador, at last. "It was not my fault, Effendim," said the kaváss, in great agitation.

At that he based our probable requirements on what would have been surfeit of encumbrance for himself. "Empty your pockets, effendim!" he ordered at last. "Six cartridges each for rifle, and six each for pistol must be all. Your cartridges I know they are. But my people are in extremity!"

For it is written that she shall come and such events cast a shadow before them. I, too, shall be present at your meeting!" His eagle eyes opened widely; they burned with fanaticism. "Already she is here!" he resumed suddenly, and bent as one listening. "She comes under the archway; she crossed the courtyard and is upon the stair! Admit her, effendim; I shall be close behind you!"

Instantly as any magician summoning an efreet I was answered. Out from the trees strode a tall figure, a figure I could not mistake. It was that of Hassan of Aleppo! "I hear, effendim, and obey," he said. "I am ready. Open the door!" "We are prepared to discuss terms. You may come and go safely" still my voice sounded unfamiliar in my ears. "I know, effendim; it is so written. Open the door."

The Khanum drank the hot coffee eagerly, and, placing the huge amber mouthpiece against her lips, began to inhale the smoke. Gregorios followed her example. "What is this you say of Satan destroying the power of your medicine?" asked Laleli, presently. "It is the truth, Khanum Effendim," answered Balsamides, solemnly.

"His name is Abraham," said Paul. "I know him very well. The gazelle is of Jewish extraction, and sells shawls. He is a liar." "Haïr, Effendim sir," cried Abraham, who knew a little English. "Him Israeleet hones' Jew Abraham's name, Effendim." "I know it is," said Paul. "Git!" an expression which is good Californian, and equally good Turkish.

"Then we must look for him in the streets," said Paul, growing very pale. He turned to ascend the steps from the gate to the road. "It is not my fault, Effendim," answered the soldier. "Did you not see him leave the gallery?" "It is nobody's fault but his own," returned Patoff. "I was looking down at the people. He must have slipped away like a cat."

"I wish you comfortable sleep, and long lives, effendim!" he said then, and swung himself out, closing the door behind him with an air of having honored us, not we him particularly. And after he had gone we were not at all sure that summary of the situation was not right. We lay awake on our cots until long after midnight, hazarding guesses about him.