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Cutting poles on snow-shoes, in a temperature ranging from 40° to 60° below zero is, in itself, no slight trial of men's hardihood; but when to this are added the sufferings of hunger and the peril of utter starvation in a perfect wilderness, it passes human endurance, and the only wonder is that Norton and Macrae could accomplish as much as they did.

The blaze Gower had kindled flickered and wavered, a red spot on the duskier shore, with a yellow nimbus in which they saw him move here and there, and sit down at last with his back to a log and his feet stretched to the fire. "Let's go down," MacRae suggested, "and break the news to him." "I wonder what he'll say?" Betty murmured thoughtfully. "Haven't you any idea?" MacRae asked curiously.

Gianesi was ready at once to set up a corresponding recipient engine at Castle Skrae. Mr. Macrae wished first to remove the machine in the smoking-room, but Blake ventured to suggest that it had better be left where it was.

Those steadily reiterated phrases, "raw gold on the rock" might have some understandable meaning if one were on the spot, but MacRae had kept that to himself and I wasn't running a bureau of information for Lessard's benefit. The Canadian government might trust him, but I wouldn't not if he took oath on a stack of Bibles, and gave a cast-iron bond to play fair.

Several yachting parties had been suspected and examined; three young ladies at Oban, Applecross, and Tobermory, had established their identity and proved that they were not Miss Macrae. All day the wireless machine was silent. Mr. Williams was shown all the rooms in the castle, and met Blake, who appeared at luncheon. Blake was most civil. He asked for a private interview with Mr.

"I'll make no bargains with you," MacRae answered. "Talk or take the consequences." Hicks shook his head. MacRae coughed the smoke was still rolling in thick clouds from over the river and went on. "Perhaps it will make my meaning clearer if I tell you what happened to Rutter, eh? You and Gregory got him after he was wounded, didn't you? He wouldn't tell where that stuff had been cached.

If she would put her boasting into words, I could answer her; but who can answer looks?" "She is in the heaven of her first love. Thou should understand that condition." "It is beyond my understanding; nor would I try to understand such a lover as Ian Macrae. I believe that he is a hypocrite Thora is so easily deceived " "And thou?" "I am not deceived.

He walked dripping out of the languid swell that ran from the turbulence outside and turned to look back. The sloop had lodged on the rock, bilged by the ragged granite. The mast was down, mast and sodden sails swinging at the end of a stay as each sea swept over the rock with a hissing roar. MacRae climbed to higher ground. He sat down beside a stunted, leaning fir and watched his boat go.

He looked placid in spite of the fiery redness which sun and wind had burned into his skin. He betrayed no surprise at MacRae's coming. The placidity of his blue eyes did not alter in any degree. "Hello, MacRae," he said. "How d' do," MacRae answered. "I came to speak to you about a little matter of business." "Yes?" Gower rumbled. "I've been sort of expecting you." "Oh?"

Gresham and I do 'On Your Way, you know. The last copy has to be down by half-past ten." We arrived at the Club, and sat in a corner of the lower smoking-room. "Macrae says that you are going in for writing. Of course, I'll do anything I can, but it isn't easy to help a man. As it happens, though, I can put you in the way of something, if it's your style of work. Do you ever do verse?"