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I have always been fond of highly-seasoned, rich dishes, such as macaroni prepared by a skilful Neapolitan cook, the olla-podrida of the Spaniards, the glutinous codfish from Newfoundland, game with a strong flavour, and cheese the perfect state of which is attained when the tiny animaculae formed from its very essence begin to shew signs of life.

James Fotheringay, Will's eldest brother, but lately back from Oxford and the Temple. The doctor wore five-pound ruffles and a ten-pound wig, was dressed in cherry silk, and carried a long, clouded cane. His hat had the latest cock, for he was our macaroni of Annapolis. "Egad, Richard," he cries, "you are the only other loyalist I have seen abroad to-day."

'It seems to me very unsuited to Chesterton's work! Olive-green, with twirly things on it! 'I thought it rather artistic, answered Madame Frabelle. 'It looks like macaroni, or spaghetti. Perhaps the idea was suggested by your showing her how to cook it, said Edith, laughing. Madame Frabelle looked gravely serene. 'No I don't think that had anything to do with it.

The next time it was M. de Vendome who asked the duke of Parma if he had nothing else to negotiate with him. Alberoni found means of persuading his sovereign that he would be more useful to him near Vendome than elsewhere, and he persuaded Vendome that he could not exist without "soupe au fromage" and macaroni.

Head to see that letter, for it would prove to him that her ladies did receive letters from officers. And the next one might after all contain something useful. She looked up at the kitchen clock. It was now four o'clock. And then a sudden thought made up good old Anna's mind for her. Miss Rose had said she did not want any meat for her supper; but she was fond of macaroni cheese.

Prince Metternich said that no power on earth would induce him to touch any food a la Rossini, especially the macaroni, which he said was stuffed with hash and all sorts of remnants of last week's food and piled up on a dish like a log cabin. "J'ai des frissons chaque fois que j'y pense." Not long ago Baron James Rothschild sent Rossini some splendid grapes from his hothouse.

The other day the boy was in a drug store and noticed in a show case a lot of small rubber hose, about the size of sticks of macaroni, such as is used on nursing bottles, and other rubber utensils. It was white and nice, and the boy's mind was made up at once. He bought a yard of it, and took it home.

He was more than half convinced that his teeth were played out, but went on eating something else for a while, and finally he thought he would just chance the macaroni once more for luck, and he mowed away another fork full in his mouth. It was the same old story.

I was in the small auto taking the films you gave me to the station, and I had just about time to catch the express when I saw this fellow turning out of one of the side streets of the camp." "What fellow?" asked Blake. "I don't know his name," answered Macaroni. "But he's a Frenchman sent here, I've heard, to help instruct our men. He's some sort of officer."

How I longed to tell her that I would give ten years of my life to remain in England: that duty to John Paul took me home. But I was dumb. "We should make a macaroni of you to amaze our colony," said Dolly, lightly, as I sat down a great distance away; "to accept my schooling were to double your chances when you return, Richard. You should have cards to everything, and my Lord Comyn or Mr.