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Patrick himself did not go into the country, but he saw from him about Luimnech to the west and to the north; and he blessed the district and its islands, and prophesied of the saints who would appear in them, of their names, and the time in which they would come.

Soon as the king heard the tale he came with Mochuda from the place where he then was on the bank of the Luimnech and stayed not till they reached the summit of Sliabh Mis, when he addressed Mochuda: "Leave this confined region for the present to the envy and jealousy of the bishops and hereafter it will become yours and your coarbs' to the end of time."

He afterwards went to Finnine, to the northwest of Domhnach-mor, a hill from which he could see the country to the north of Luimnech, when he gave a blessing to the men of North Munster, who had gone with a profusion of gifts to meet Patrick. No children were born to Cairthenn, except deformities, up to that time. It was then that Eochu Ballderg was born to Cairthenn.

The men of North Munster, to the north of Luimnech, went in fleets of boats to meet Patrick southwards as far as Domhnach-mor of Magh-Aine i.e., to Dun-Nocfene, then and now so called; and he baptized them in Tir-glass, to the southeast of it.