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Then He will return to carry out in full the Father's great love-plan for man and for the earth. His last act with these men was conducting them to the Mount of Olives. That is ever to be the point of outlook for His follower. Yonder in full view is Gethsemane and Calvary.

Beyond that her thought does not rise. Here is what God saw: a nation no, much worse the nation, in which centred His great love-plan for winning His prodigal world, going to pieces. The messenger to the prodigal was being slyly, subtly seduced by the prodigal. The saviour-nation was being itself lost. The plan so long and patiently fostered for saving a world was threatened with utter disaster.

The changed prayer reveals the victory: "My Father, if this cup cannot pass away except I drink it if only through this experience can Thy great love-plan for the race be worked out Thy will" slowly, distinctly, with the throbbing of His heart and the iron of His will in them, come the words "Thy will be done."

Both from the scriptural, and from a rugged philosophical standpoint the objective is the real driving point of all full prayer. The subjective is in order to the objective, as the final outward climactic reach of God's great love-plan for a world. <u>Six Facts Underlying Prayer.</u> It will help greatly to step back and up a bit for a fresh look at certain facts that underlie prayer.

And God's great love-plan for His prodigal world is being held back; and lives being lost even where ultimately souls shall be saved because of the lack of human prayer partners.

Its limits are broad; broad as the home of man; with its enswathing atmosphere added. It touches the inner spirit. It moves in upon the motives, the loves, the heart. It moves out upon the myriad spirit-beings and forces that swarm ceaselessly about the earth staining and sliming men's souls and lives. It moves up to the arm of God in cooperation with His great love-plan for a world.

Shall we not put out the thing that is wrong? or put in the thing the Master wants in? For Jesus' sake? Aye for men's sake: poor befooled men's sake who are being kept out and away because God cannot get at them through us! Shall we bow and ask forgiveness for our sin, and petty stubbornness that has been thwarting the Master's love-plan?

No amount of disturbance ever alters the love of God, nor His love-plan in the long run, however patiently He may bear with breaks. Even this phase is in the minor strain of the old Hebrew. "They shall look upon Him whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son."

Tenderly as He speaks to that nation in which His love-plan for a world centered, more tenderly yet does He ever speak to the individual heart. That wondrous One who is "alongside to help" will be by the atmosphere of His presence to you and to me as the dew is to the earth a daily refreshing of new life, with its new strength, and rare beauty and fine fragrance.

It is the form of prayer that helps God in His great love-plan for winning a planet back to its true sphere. It will help through these talks to keep this simple analysis of prayer in mind. For much that will be said will deal chiefly with this third form, intercession, the outward movement of prayer. <u>The Climax of Prayer.</u>