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He is easy going, witty, hospitable, lovable, inclined to be unmoral rather than immoral in his personal habits, and easy to meet and to know. Above all there is an art sense all through the populace which sets it off from any other population of the country. This sense is almost Latin in its strength, and the Californian owes it to the leaven of Latin blood.

"Julius, I believe you are going completely crazy!" "Now understand me aright I do not really mean all of them, but all of them who are lovable and happen to come one's way." "That is nothing more than what the French call galanterie and coquetterie." "Nothing more except that I think of it as something beautiful and clever.

From the date of his first great success Fromont, Jr., and Risler, Sr. glory and wealth flowed in upon him, while envy scarcely touched him, so unspoiled was he and so continuously and eminently lovable. One seemed to see in his career a reflection of his luminous nature, a revised myth of the golden touch, a new version of the fairy-tale of the fair mouth dropping pearls.

And an instant later the old man's admonitions are entirely forgotten, and his artless nature dull now to everything but the childish glee in which he shares is all the sweeter and more lovable for its simplicity. And so it is, Old Man, that you are always touching the very tenderest places in our hearts unconsciously appealing to our warmest sympathies, and taking to yourself our purest love.

"I thank you warmly. I will entreat my mother most urgently...." "Do so," interrupted Paula. "Have you ever seen Pulcheria, the daughter of my worthy host?" "Yes. A singularly lovable creature!" "She will soon take Mary into her faithful heart " "And our poor little girl needs a friend, now that Susannah has forbidden her daughter to visit at our house."

It bespeaks a simple nature, unspoiled by prosperity, to delight thus in his father's delight, and to wish the details of all his splendour to be told him. A statesman who takes most pleasure in his elevation because of the good he can do by it, and because it will please the old people at home, must be a pure and lovable man.

Jealousy and distrust have never yet won a doubting heart. Bitterness never accomplishes miracles which sweetness fails to do. Too often men and women spend their time in wondering why they are not loved, trying various schemes and pitiful experiments, and passing by the simple method of trying to be lovable and unconscious of self.

When all the molecules decay and go to the Old Nick, the body can no longer live. It is the same with life when all that composes it, colours it, makes it lovable, is lacking, turns out badly, when everything escapes, when not the slightest wish is realised, when everything vanishes, everything deceives. No, to go on in this way is impossible. So I believe that God will recall me soon.

Pride is the ruin of dignity, for it is a worshipping of self, and that involves a continuous sinking. Humility, the worship of the Ideal that is, of the man Christ Jesus, is the only lifter-up of the head. Everybody felt her more lovable than before. Her mother began to feel an enchantment of peace in her presence.

You know you are far and away the most lovable and bewitching, and the the very best girl at St. Benet's." "No, dear little Nance, you are quite mistaken. Perhaps I'm bewitching I suppose to a certain extent I am, for people always tell me so but I'm not lovable and I'm not good. There, my dear, do let us turn from that uninteresting person Maggie Oliphant.