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It is interesting to note that the hollow space in the screw rods is heated by steam during winter, thus preventing the formation of ice in the machinery. During the eighties, locks for ships of 400 tons capacity were erected in England and France, at Anderton, Les Fontinettes and La Louvière. The lock at Henrichenburg, however, exceeds all its predecessors, not only in size, but also in security.

"Well, there is at once an income of fifty thousand francs; you have held the post three years, and must have received in that time one hundred and fifty thousand francs." "You forget one circumstance, dear M. d'Artagnan." "What is that?" "That while you received your appointment as captain from the king himself, I received mine as governor from Messieurs Tremblay and Louviere."

"On account of the appointment which he, or rather we, purchased from Louviere and Tremblay." "I have a very vague recollection of the matter." "That is likely enough, for you have so many affairs to attend to. However, I do not believe you have any affair in the world of greater importance than this one." "Tell me, then, why we purchased this appointment."

On the slopes from the plateau to the plain, the woods were extremely thick, and the only access to the plateau, for troops, were two clearings cut through the woods, known as the Trouees de la Louviere, and d'Aulnoit.

"It was not in my time, M. d'Herblay." "But I should have thought that Louviere or Tremblay would have told you." "The secrets of the Bastile are never handed over with the keys of the governorship." "Indeed! Then the cause of his imprisonment is a mystery a state secret." "Oh no! I do not suppose it is a state secret, but a secret like everything else that happens at the Bastile."

"Like a man of honor; he procured the signature; Tremblay and Louviere resigned their appointments, I have paid every year twenty-five thousand francs to these two gentlemen; on the thirty-first of May every year, M. d'Herblay himself comes to the Bastile, and brings me five thousand pistoles to distribute between my crocodiles." "You owe Aramis one hundred and fifty thousand francs, then?"

"Well, there is at once an income of fifty thousand francs; you have held the post three years, and must have received in that time one hundred and fifty thousand francs." "You forget one circumstance, dear M. d'Artagnan." "What is that?" "That while you received your appointment as captain from the king himself, I received mine as governor from Messieurs Tremblay and Louviere."

"Quite right, and Tremblay was not a man to let you have the post for nothing." "Nor Louviere either: the result was, that I gave seventy-five thousand francs to Tremblay as his share." "Very agreeable that! and to Louviere?" "The very same." "Money down?" "No: that would have been impossible.

"Like a man of honor; he procured the signature; Tremblay and Louviere resigned their appointments; I have paid every year twenty-five thousand francs to these two gentlemen; on the thirty-first of May, every year, M. d'Herblay himself comes to the Bastile, and brings me five thousand pistoles to distribute between my crocodiles." "You owe Aramis one hundred and fifty thousand francs, then?"

M. d'Herblay spoke on my behalf to Louviere and Tremblay they objected; I wished to have the appointment very much, for I knew what it could be made to produce; in my distress I confided in M. d'Herblay, and he offered to become my surety for the different payments." "You astound me! Aramis become your surety?"