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Besides he all the time looked so easy and indolent himself, so loungingly managed his steering-oar, and so broadly gaped open-mouthed at times that the mere sight of such a yawning commander, by sheer force of contrast, acted like a charm upon the crew.

Matilda started out, but was recalled by a glance of imperative appeal from Mrs. De Peyster. And so the three sat on in silence for a time, Mrs. De Peyster and Matilda taut with expectant fear, Mr. Pyecroft loungingly unconcerned. And thus they were still sitting when there was a knock, which Mr. Pyecroft answered. The cabinet-maker entered.

He was bare-headed, his bands were full of papers, and he had the air of a man of business. The younger men who had gathered around Squire Pleasants and Teague Poteet fell back loungingly as Woodward came forward with just the faintest perplexed smile. "Judge Pleasants," he said, "I'm terribly mixed up, and I'll have to ask you to unmix me."

The principal streets and squares are lined with stone-benches, on which the people loungingly recline or stretch themselves. Both houses and streets are admirably adapted for the climate, protecting the inhabitants alike from the fiery glare of the summer's sun, and the keen blasts of the winter's cold.

I was dead tired and after I was left by my companions sat loungingly on my horse. My mind ran on the last canvass and the strange tragedy that had ended it, with its train of consequences. I was not aware when my horse turned off from the main road into the by-lane that led through the Halloway place to my own home. My horse was the same I had ridden that night.

The old miner, Mike, sat next the embers, a sizzling frying-pan not far away, his black pipe in one oratorically uplifted hand, a tin plate in his lap, his grouchy, seamed old face screwed up into argumentative ugliness, his angry eyes glaring at the Swede opposite, who was loungingly propped against a convenient stone.

She made this apology to a gentleman in black, who, with his wristbands tucked up, and his hat cocked loungingly on one side, and his hands in his pockets, sat down astride on the table-beer barrel, and nodded in return. 'This is a bad business up-stairs, Mrs. Tugby, said the gentleman. 'The man can't live.

Besides he all the time looked so easy and indolent himself, so loungingly managed his steering-oar, and so broadly gaped open-mouthed at times that the mere sight of such a yawning commander, by sheer force of contrast, acted like a charm upon the crew.

With what stupendous and untranslatable coolness he says this, and how loungingly he leads on to the women's side: making, as he goes, a kind of iron castanet of the key and the stair-rail! Each cell door on this side has a square aperture in it.

As the school-teacher sat down John dragged a chair close and threw himself into it loungingly but with tightly folded arms. Dinwiddie hitched back as if unpleasantly near big machinery. John smiled. "I'm glad to see you, Mr. Pettigrew. I've been wanting a chance to say something to you for some time, sir." Pettigrew whispered a similar desire. "Yes, sir," said John, and was silent.