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It was low and flat, but very long, and extending before the whole of it was a porch roof supported by posts. At one end was a corral. There were doors and windows with nothing in them. Upon the front wall, outside, hung saddles and bridles. Joan had a swift, sharp gaze for the men who rose from their lounging to greet the travelers. Jim Cleve was not among them.

There was a sound of applause from the innkeeper and his wife, assisted by a lounging vaquero in the corridor. Ashamed of his victory, Grey turned apologetically to Cota. To his surprise she glanced indifferently at the trickling sides of her favorite, and only regarded him curiously. "Ah," she said, drawing in her breath, "you are strong and you comprehend!"

Carelessly lounging up to where he was working, I said in a tone that could not be heard by anyone else: "I can get those boards up easier if you break the nails off." He replied in the same undertone: "I don't care a d n how soon you get them up when I get away."

Lounging in an elegant saloon, at the corner of a clear and sparkling fire, amidst a thousand objects of the arts and luxuries of home, we might have believed that we had not changed our residence, or our habits, or our enjoyments.

The brödchen came in during the night, and owing to the totally inadequate quantity purchased to meet our needs, one had to be about early to secure a supply. I, with others, have often been up at four o'clock in the morning, lounging around the canteen, so as to be among the first to be served when it opened at five o'clock.

At last he saw Sponge coming lounging along the terrace-walk, looking like a man thoroughly disengaged, and, timing himself properly, encountered him in the entrance. 'Beg pardon, sir, said Mr. Plummey, 'but cook, sir, wishes to know, sir, if you dine here to-day, sir? 'Of course, replied Mr. Sponge, 'where would you have me dine? 'Oh, I don't know, sir only Mr.

As they entered the hall, Howard came lounging out, in his leisurely way, from the drawing-room, and at sight of him Stafford seemed to awake, to realise what he had done and how he stood. He looked from Howard to Maude, then, he said: "Howard, I want you to congratulate me. Miss Falconer Maude has promised to be my wife."

Then he asked me to relate to him the whole story of the loss of the Dolores and of the Indian Queen incident, "from clew to earing", as he put it; and I told him the complete yarn, as he sat cross-legged in his low lounging chair, with a cheroot stuck in the corner of his mouth, listening, nodding his head from time to time, and frequently breaking in with a question upon some point which he wished to have more fully explained.

"Well, maybe sometime we could get over there," he said; and the others nodded, because they had come to look on him as something of a leader in their out-door expeditions. "Priddy soon dat fog shall lift," remarked Ole Petersen, an old sailor who was lounging about the dock. He nodded toward the mouth of the harbor, where now all could see the heavy veil of mist growing thinner.

He cut me off in the midst, winding an arm about my head by way of an extinguisher. One of the redcoat troopers lounging before the great fire had risen and was coming straight for our hiding place. I saw not what to do; should have done nothing, I dare say, till the man had walked fair upon us. But Richard was quicker witted.