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But they kept coming oftener, the loud-colored power vehicles; faster and faster they became, and harder and harder it was for the carter's old hands to control the madly rearing horses. In former days he had always walked beside his horses. Now that he had grown old and gray, he was very often glad to perch on the seat and doze there.

From the young man's bill-of-fare description of her, I gathered that she had cheeks like peaches and cream, but a heart like a lunch-counter doughnut, which is hard. "'She cast you off? I asked. "'She threw me down, said he. "Well, it seems he'd bought a ticket for that loud-colored country where I met him, and come down there to forget.

They were aglow with loud-colored silken hangings, but the stone floors had nothing but rushes on them for a carpet, and they were misfit rushes at that, being not all of one breed. As for conveniences, properly speaking, there weren't any. I mean little conveniences; it is the little conveniences that make the real comfort of life.

They were aglow with loud-colored silken hangings, but the stone floors had nothing but rushes on them for a carpet, and they were misfit rushes at that, being not all of one breed. As for conveniences, properly speaking, there weren't any. I mean little conveniences; it is the little conveniences that make the real comfort of life.

Some chairs, a washstand with a small looking-glass over it, a trunk with clothes, a clock on the wall, and two ikons this was the entire outfit of the household. Pavel tried to live like the rest. He did all a young lad should do bought himself an accordion, a shirt with a starched front, a loud-colored necktie, overshoes, and a cane. Externally he became like all the other youths of his age.