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"Here, put this on," and from a forward locker she pulled an oilskin coat, flinging it back to Marita, as at that moment the boat yawed when a big wave hit the bows, necessitating a firm hand on the wheel. "Oh, it's getting rough!" exclaimed Lottie, apprehensively. "Put away your nail-buffer and hang on," advised Bess. "It may be rougher before it's calmer."

She was all unconscious that her own fearless intimacy of manner made a precedent for little demonstrations of affection which had hitherto been unknown in the household; but so it was, and her host and hostess felt that they owed her a second debt of gratitude, whenever Lottie volunteered a caress, or added a second kiss to the morning greeting.

"'But I have thought of money, I owned, 'I have thought of it lately a great deal. When I look at Angus I long to get him every luxury, and I want my little Harold to grow up surrounded by those things which help to develop a fine and refined character. "'But they don't, Lottie; they don't indeed, answered my dear dying mother.

Dinsmore; the handsomest and the best to be found in the city; so Elsie had requested that it should be, and so he had written that it was. "I am glad you like it, auntie, and you too, Lottie," was all she said in response to their praises, but her eyes sparkled with pleasure at the old lady's evident delight. "It" had arrived half an hour before, on this the second morning after Mr.

Lottie had found Hemstead more interesting than she had expected, and had foolishly and recklessly permitted a mere sentiment for him to develop, which, in her case, would end with the visit, and soon be forgotten in the mad whirl of New York gayety. "But with Mr. Hemstead," concluded Bel, "it will be a very different affair.

Nervous Bel was in a perfect tremor of anxiety, perplexity, and weak remorse; and she kept flitting in and out of the room as pale and restless as a disquieted ghost. De Forrest thought he ought to be "chief mourner," but no one seemed to pay much attention to him. As for Lottie, one ever-present thought seemed scorching her brain and withering heart and hope.

And he gave such a tremendous bellow how did he make that noise? that Lottie looked quite alarmed. "I'll be a sheep," said little Rags. "A whole lot of sheep went past this morning." "How do you know?" "Dad heard them. Baa!" He sounded like the little lamb that trots behind and seems to wait to be carried. "Cock-a-doodle-do!" shrilled Isabel.

There was no cause, save the peculiar sensitiveness of one whose sunshine is beginning to come, not from the skies, but from the changing features of a fellow-mortal. Lottie quickly saw his shadowed face, and surmised the cause.

The captains were in place, and Miss Hillary smilingly nodded to Lottie. Since the age of chivalry had dawned, the girl-captain in a spelling match was always given the first chance to select. Lottie hesitated. She had her beau, but he could not spell, and her bosom friend, but they had vowed never to speak again so long as they both should live.

Approaching timidly, he said to Lottie as she stood at the window, "Can you not take another knight into your service this evening?" "O, yes, Julian," she replied good-naturedly; "a regiment in so good a cause as this. Hasten to the shore. You may be of some possible help;" and, with a gesture of dismission, she turned again to her watch.