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"All the same, you must not lose the thread." "Did you know the 'white Jew'?" "Oh, yes; he was a very honest Jew, that is why he never got very rich. He often came to me; I can see him now, with his head bald at the back, and a fringe of white hair round it. 'Pon my word!

We cannot afford to lose Satyr with his pipe and dances and gambols.

"I will have no denial," replied the knight, peremptorily. If you refuse, you will find me worse to deal with than Disbrowe. You must remain at the door till I come out. And now let us lose no more time. I am impatient to behold the lady."

You could not have a better man,” Latham said; “he is certainly one of the smartest fellows on board the ship. He is very popular with all the men, and is full of life and go, and always the first to set an example when there is any work to be done. I suppose we shall also lose the services of that boy Tom?”

You see, maybe I haven't all the horse sense in some things you have, but I've got my back teeth into the idea of this ranching racket, and my dollars are going to talk all they know. I tell you, when my mind's made up, I can't be budged an inch. It's no use your trying. I know you, Charlie. You're scared to death I'll lose my money well, I'm ready to lose it, if things go that way.

He was facing the truth from which he had been hiding ever since Shirley went away. His heavy sense of loss had been defined. A little imp with a nasty sneering voice that jabbed like a hot needle perched itself on his shoulder and kept dinning into his ears: "The truth is, you had nothing to lose but a fancy. Shirley never really loved you.

The tribunes were afraid lest, if they allowed Cæso to go entirely at large, the commons might become irritated; whilst if they refused to listen to the application of a patrician when he craved their assistance, they feared lest they should lose an excellent opportunity of establishing their influence and increasing their power. According to Gronovius, publico, scil. plebi.

"Uncle!" said Lucy, reprovingly, and holding up her taper finger with an arch smile, mingling with a blush, in which the woman's vanity spoke, unknown to herself. "And why that look, Lucy?" said Brandon. "Because because well, no matter! you have been bred to that trade in which, as you say yourself, men tell untruths for others till they lose all truth for themselves.

It is of more importance for us, however, to determine the reasons for the introduction into Italy by Charlemagne of the new office of the scabinus, than to lose ourselves in a complicated discussion of the theoretical predecessors of these officers.

"Mercy me, ain't that nice quite toney. I hope he'll win if Mister Bobo's horse don't." "Nal," whispered Mandy, "you've not been betting against Comet, have you?" "That's what I have, Mandy. I've got my hull stack o' chips on this yere half-mile dash." "But, Nal, Comet will win sure. Grandfather's crazy about the colt. He says he can't lose no-way." "That's all right," said Nal.