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As that country abounds with religious houses, she was not only lodged and fed without any expence, but received a piece of money at each of them she went to, so that her little stock, instead of being diminished, was considerably increased when she came to Lorretto, for thither, not to be false in every thing, she went; and being truly sorry for the hypocrisy which a sad necessity alone could have made her guilty of, paid her devotion with a sincere heart, tho' free from that enthusiasm and bigotry which is too much practised in convents.

She bad me wait on her at Lorretto, answered she, and gave me hopes of doing something wonderful in my favour: I will therefore, with your permission, undertake a pilgrimage and at her shrine expiate the offences of my past life in tears of true contrition, and then return a pure and fearless partaker of the happiness you enjoy in an uninterrupted course of devotion: oh! exclaimed she, exalting her voice, how do I detest and despise the vanities and follies of the world! how hate myself for having been too much attached to them, and so long been cold and negligent of my only happiness!

It was this: As hypocrisy was made use of to detain her, hypocrisy was the only method by which she could hope to get her liberty: pretending, therefore, to be all at once restored to her former health, she sent to entreat the abbess, and some other of the most zealous of the sisterhood to come into her chamber, where, as soon as they entered, they found her on her knees before the picture of the virgin, and seeming in an extacy of devotion: Yes, holy virgin, cried she, as if too much taken up to see who entered, I will obey your commands; I will devote myself entirely to thee; I will follow where thou callest me: thou, who hast restored me, shalt have the first fruits of my strength: and oh that Lorretto were at a greater distance, to the utmost extent of land and sea would I go to seek thee!

From Lorretto she crossed the country to Florence, every one being ready to direct a holy pilgrim on her way, and assist her with all things necessary.