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Lornievitch spoke English an English much to the caller's liking. Perhaps it was the bond of bulk between them. "Well, and so you are Boylan of the Rhodes? what is it, Mr. Boylan? We are very busy." "I have a young friend of The States" he began and talked for three minutes talked until Lornievitch squirmed and his aides hurried forward ready to assist. "And what does Kohlvihr say?"

There was plenty to hold a man in wonder your zeal to do for others, and the exaltations, but to-day you were down in my valley, in the earth bottoms, just seeing in the human light, your wings tired. It was the best moment of the pilgrimage, Berthe the deepest." Peter had wanted to tell her that. Big Belt stood before a man of his own size Lornievitch, the Commander of commanders, Himself.

Lornievitch was at the head of a mighty force to the east; it was but the tip of the right wing that the Germans had cut off. An old ranker had halted at the door, his platoon behind crowding the stairway. He was small and scarred, serious and decorous.

The firing was thinner, and the weight hurried his great legs down to the water.... Personally he would have waited for recapture. How he would have laughed at Lornievitch in that case. But this that he bore was under sentence of death in that camp. He regarded the river now, propping up his head under the burden. It was a swift devil of a stream, black from its winter borders and cold.

The Russians had not understood, except Lornievitch, in part, and he was far away; the Germans would never piece the fragments together, and Peter himself had been mainly unconscious. Peter had not been told even of the Dabnitz episode.... They might have pulled together for years if it hadn't been for the woman, but there was bound to be a woman. Mowbray was like that.

"I didn't know," Dabnitz sighed. Boylan was standing below. He heard distant firing through the rain in the direction of the field.... Lornievitch had doubtless begun a flank movement. Kohlvihr would lick his wounds in Judenbach for another day. Dabnitz appeared from the stairway, a paper in his hand.

Boylan was fighting for Peter's life as he would not have fought for his own; and yet he warmed to the commander fibers all through him warming something of man-business about this office that made the headquarters at Judenbach look sinister and den-like. It was just his hope in all likelihood. "But Mr. Boylan," Lornievitch added, "what would you do in my case?