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With all its loveliness of detail and witchery of color, the prevailing charm of the Court of Flowers, true to its name, lies in the effective planting of flowers and shrubs. The main path through the Court is bordered on either side by spreading lophantha trees, trimmed four feet from the ground and branching to a diameter of five feet in delicate, lacy foliage.

Fountain, "Beauty and the Beast," by Edgar Walter, of San Francisco. Sandals and hat on woman. Beast at her feet. Fauns and satyrs, piping, under circular bowl. Frieze outside edge of bowl, lion, bear, ape, and tiger repeated; playful. Designed for Court of Palms to be seen from above. Lophantha trees, trimmed four feet from ground, branching out six feet across, along walks.

Banners, by Ryan, heraldic designs of early Spanish explorers and soldiers. Lophantha lawn, designed by John McLaren, trees trimmed off four feet above ground, and trained to grow flat alongside Palace of Varied Industries. East facade of Varied Industries, made Italian to harmonize with Italian Machinery Palace. Main portal, like gateways of old Roman walled cities.