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"Look-ee-heah," Tom exclaimed, having a sudden inspiration. "You help me on somethin' fu'st, an' then we'll have money to git moh guns, if yoh're a mind to start somethin'!" "How you mean?" Tusk cautiously asked. "The railroad feller owes me a hund'ed dollars I wouldn't be s'prised if it was moh, but a hund'ed'll do to start on. Now don't ask no questions! It don't consarn nobody but him an' me.

"Nope; an' I've come to say I'm ready to give up! My hound says thar ain't a smell of 'im 'tween heah an' hell." "Then your hound lies; for I tell you he's around somewhere, an' not so very far off, either!" "Look-ee-heah," the sheriff raised half up in his chair, "I don't 'llow no man to call my hound a liar!" "Oh, sit down, Jess! Didn't I just tell you I know he's around somewhere?"

The sheriff was fairly bristling with anger. "Look-ee-heah," he savagely demanded, "what's this funny business about, anyhow? Do you-all reckon you're goin' to poke fun at me an' the law, an' git away with it? Or what?" "I don't reckon there's been such an awful lot of fun poked around heah, Jess," Dale sullenly answered. "You don't! Well, there'd better not be, that's all I got to say!"

"Now, look-ee-heah," the sheriff bristled again, "I don't let no man make Brent out a liar; I don't kyeer who he is!" "I ain't makin' Brent out a liar, Jess; but you don't know how this thing is! The night after I killed Tusk, Brent came in my room an' said he's goin' to take the blame. He said he was doin' it for the fun of the thing; but I knew better'n that from somethin' I heard one time.