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M. Gourgaud gave him particulars, which were soon known throughout the camp. This news brought joy to the hearts of all, each of whom accosted the other eagerly, as if each had found a long-lost brother; they spoke of the heroic courage which had been displayed; the talent shown in saving his corps in spite of snows, floods, and the attacks of the enemy.

But now an unlooked-for joy, indeed, completed the history of Ægeon; and the tale he had in the morning told in sorrow, and under sentence of death, before the setting sun went down was brought to a happy conclusion, for the venerable lady abbess made herself known to be the long-lost wife of Ægeon, and the fond mother of the two Antipholuses.

"I confess I have fancied so once or twice," he returned, musingly; "there is rather a disagreeable resemblance. But what of that? many men are almost counterparts of each other. But I tell you what I think. I am almost positive he is some long-lost relation of the family Fabio's uncle for all we know, who does not wish to declare his actual relationship.

But as the door opened the spell broke and all the mists vanished; he was his own self once more nothing but the long-lost boy springing to the arms of the long-lost mother. "Mother!" "My boy!" That was all they said. And in those few words Reginald Cruden's life entered on a new era.

And you say he came home with you?" "Yes," I answered; "and he is even now waiting to see you." "Oh, take me to him! take me to him!" she cried out. Mr and Mrs Dear accompanied her to the house, and, leading her to the drawing-room door, left her with her long-lost parent.

They were hospitably entertained by a people of Pagans and Savages who still bore the name of Hungarians; conversed in their native tongue, recollected a tradition of their long-lost brethren, and listened with amazement to the marvellous tale of their new kingdom and religion.

In one point, Zabara's version strikingly agrees with the Hebrew and Chaldee texts of Tobit as against the Greek; Tobit's son is not accompanied by a dog on his journey to recover his father's long-lost treasure. One of the tales told by Zabara seems to imply a phenomenon of the existence of which there is no other evidence.

Mrs Bothways pulled down the window. A new-comer asked Watty what the trouble was, and he said that the Army girl had only found her chap, or husband, or long-lost brother or something, but the missus was looking after the business; then he dozed again. And then we adjourned to the Royal and took the Army with us. "That's the way of it," said Donald Macdonald.

We were received by the smiling merchants as if we were long-lost daughters suddenly restored, but we practised our newly acquired diplomacy on them to such an extent that their faces soon began to betray the most comic astonishment. These people are like children, and exhibit their emotions in a manner which seems almost infantile to the Caucasian. Alas, we were not the prey they had hoped for.

"A very good name. 'What's in a name? as Shakespeare says." As the oddly assorted pair crossed the street, and walked down Nassau street, they attracted the attention of some of the Arabs who were lounging about Printing-House square. "I say, country, is that your long-lost uncle?" asked a boot-black. "No, it isn't," answered Frank, shortly. Though he was willing to avail himself of Mr.