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But <i>we</i> can't stand here idle. Come on." They set off down the road. After a long hike they came to the skidways at the main road. Nobody was in sight. "We'll begin at one end and work toward the other until we hear somebody coming. Then we'll have business elsewhere." Pile by pile they scaled the logs, Charley using the log-rule under Mr.

Applying his log-rule to the small end of each log, he noted the diameter of the log and from the scale on the rule read the number of board-feet in the log. Already Charley had done a little scaling of logs and he went at the work readily. As he scaled pile after pile of logs, he worked faster and faster, acquiring greater facility with every measurement.

"I have Lumley's report on yesterday's cut," he said, "and if nobody is around when we reach the skidways, we'll just check it up. We can drive out in a few minutes, but you will have to walk back. Get your log-rule and come on." And they went down the mountain to the end of the new road. "Hello!" cried Charley in surprise, as he caught sight of the forester's car. "You're driving a big truck, eh?

"Then I'll do some practicing to-day," said Charley. "You sent my crew into another district and I can put in a whole afternoon practicing." "Very good. I'll take you out to the skidways where the logs are being piled by the highway, and you can work there as long as you like. Do you have that log-rule I gave you?" "Sure. But what about this? How shall I know if my measurements are correct?"