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But that fact, son, don't give you any license to stir up trouble between man and wife. Now, remember, I've warned you not to dance, speak to, or even notice her on this occasion. The chances are that that locoed fool will come heeled this time, and if you give him any excuse, he may burn a little powder."

Straw had entirely forgotten our "cow" of the night before, and when The Rebel handed him his share of the winnings, he tucked it away in the watch pocket of his trousers without counting. But he had arranged a fiddling match between a darky cook of one of the returning outfits and a locoed white man, a mendicant of the place, and invited us to be present.

The superintendent's eyes narrowed. "Who was missing out of the Angels crowd of trouble-makers yesterday, Mac?" "I hate to say," said the trainmaster. "God knows I don't want to put it all over any man unless it belongs to him, but I'm locoed every time it comes to that kind of a guess. Every bunch of letters I see spells just one name." "Go on," said Lidgerwood sharply.

It does some folks a heap of good to kill 'em a lot. "It's at this p'int the young preacher-sharp pulls his freight, an' I observes, by the way he stacks me up with his eyes that a-way, he allows mebby I'm locoed." The Old Cattleman said no more for a moment, but puffed at his cob pipe in thought and silence.

Blandy runs the place." "That Blandy. His faro game's crooked, or I'm a locoed bronch. Not that we don't have lots of crooked faro-dealers. A fellow can stand for them. But Blandy's mean, back-handed, never looks you in the eyes. That Hope So place ought to be run by a good fellow like you, Laramie." "Thanks," replied he; and Duane imagined his voice a little husky.

"Does he expect me to fall on his neck? He's that thick-headed! Why, he's the locoed one, not me." "I'd like to ask you, Bo, if you've seen how he has changed?" queried Helen, earnestly. "He's older. He's worried. Either his heart is breaking for you or else he fears trouble for us. I fear it's both. How he watches you! Bo, he knows all you do where you go. That about Riggs sickens me."

I've known two or three to go 'locoed' with it; that's what kept me from interfering. It isn't for miners to monkey with; but I was in hopes that you would go into it. In fact, I was in hopes you'd got sort o' interested in Viola, and she in you, and that you'd help her someway."

He tried to explain: "Racin's like any other locoed t'ing it's like tobacco, or drink, or stealin' money out of a bank " Mortimer shivered. He had felt a moral superiority in denying the implied bad habits. "It's like any of 'em," continued the ragged philosopher; "a guy starts simply as a kid, an' he gets de t'row-down.

"When people get locoed this way, the only thing is to humor them and give them a chance to rest satisfied in something no matter what, much, only so they are not hectored. No mind can get well when it is being hectored." "Hectored? That is to mean tortured? Yes, I understand. It is that we not suffer the mind to be tortured?" "About that, yes." "Thank you. I try to comfort her.

"Come to the festal board," drawled Jim, almost before I had my boots laced. "Jones," said Frank, "Jim an' I'll ooze round here to-day. There's lots to do, an' we want to have things hitched right before we strike for the Siwash. We've got to shoe Old Baldy, an' if we can't get him locoed, it'll take all of us to do it."