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Then Lulu ran and opened the door. "Hollo!" cried Max, in a perfectly good-humored tone, "what do you lock a fellow out for? It looks as if you're up to some mischief. I just came to tell you there's company in the parlor, and they've asked for you, both of you." "Who are they?" asked Lulu, glancing at her reflection in a pier-glass opposite, to make sure that dress and hair were in order.

At the end of that time the high priest takes them to a lonely place in the forest, and cuts off a lock of hair from the crown of each of their heads. After these initiatory rites the lads are deemed men, and may marry; it would be a scandal if they married before.

"He had sufficient presence of mind to turn the key in the lock, and that saved him. He is at least ten minutes in advance of us, and we should never overtake him." Father Absinthe could not restrain his anger. He looked upon this mysterious accomplice who had so cruelly duped him as a personal enemy, and he would willingly have given a month's pay to be able to lay his hand on his shoulder.

Within that bureau were numerous pigeon-holes and secret drawers, and a profound well with a separate patent lock.

The idea of being able to render me a service, perhaps the last, gave her strength and courage; and while slowly, very slowly, she moved towards the door, where the nocturnal visitors were getting impatient and trying to force the lock, I went into the dining-room.

Just as I finished inspecting this monument of official ingenuity, I heard a heavy footstep along the corridor, and presently a key was inserted in my lock. It "grated harsh thunder" as it turned. The door was flung open abruptly, without any consideration whether I might be standing near it, and an official entered, who turned out to be the chief warder.

And Davidson " The captain paused. "Yes," he muttered, and the old soldier marvelled at his words, "it is better. Davidson, lock this door on the outside." Davidson did as he was ordered, and again the Egyptian was left alone with Halliwell. "Afraid of a woman!" she said, contemptuously, though her heart sank when she heard the key turn in the lock. "I admit it," he answered, calmly.

Slowly, regularly, without wavering, moved by a power not his own, his hands took the other letters and opened them, and his eyes read all the words, from the last to the first. One by one the sheets fell upon the table, and all alone in the midst the lock of red auburn hair sent up its little lambent flame in the sunshine.

'But you can't come in, for the house is shut up for the night, replied the cook. ''Tis a quare hour you lock your doors at, said the besieger. 'Mighty quare, but so it is, she answered. 'But 'tis a message for the misthress I have, answered the applicant. 'Who from? demanded the porteress. ''Tis a present o' some wine, acushla. 'Who from? repeated she, growing more uneasy.

Lathrop was some minutes in getting to the door, and when she got there, was some seconds in fumbling at the lock with her dream-benumbed fingers; but in the end she got it open, and then was freshly paralyzed by the sight of her friend, standing without, with her valise, her bonnet-box, her lunch in the other box, and the general appearance of a weary soldier who has fought but not exactly won.