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'And it chanced so with me, said Riderhood. 'But I don't mind telling you how. Why should I mind telling you? I'm a Deputy Lock-keeper up the river, and I was off duty yes'day, and I shall be on to-morrow. 'Yes? 'Yes, and I come to London to look arter my private affairs.

'Heavens! cried the poetical young gentleman, 'how grand; how great! We ventured deferentially to inquire upon whom these epithets were bestowed: our humble thoughts oscillating between the police officer who found the criminal, and the lock-keeper who found the head.

Meanwhile, they say they're sorry, but they won't move, and the rest of us must fare the best we can." "Can't the lock-keeper do anything?" I asked. "He can swear." Alb smiled; and I believe there was something in him that sympathized with the two obstinate brutes.

A few minutes after he heard her calling him, and then he climbed the paling, and he crossed the dreaded hollow, stumbling over the old stones. As he crossed the meadow he caught sight of a boat coming through the lock, but the lock-keeper knew him by sight, and would tell the bargeman where he came from, and he would be sent home to his mother.

On we went toward the top of the lock, sneaking, sidling, pushing, here and there thanks to a good-natured, helping hand, here and there thanks to a shout from the lock-keeper to a sulky bargeman. On the lock-keeper the sight of the Club flag had a magic effect, and he evidently intended to make its rights respected, no doubt counting on a five gulden "tip" at the end.

The Captain's arm was round her in an instant, the lock-keeper threw a rope to help him to the iron ladder fixed in the walls of the lock, and between them the two men carried the dripping figure along the bank and into the house.

Look at the Lock-keeper in Plashwater Weir Mill Lock, in them same answering clothes and with that same answering red neckhankercher, and see whether his clothes happens to be bloody or not. Yes, they do happen to be bloody. Ah, you sly devil! Bradley, very white, sat looking at him in silence.

I say, lock-keeper, I am told that you let lodgings; have you any rooms vacant?" "My missus has two rooms, sir," replied Rowles, as he leaned on the great white wooden handle while the lock was emptying through the sluices of the lower gates.

Burnet roused himself from his solemn thoughts and said brightly, "There! clear shining after rain. Now, we must say good-bye and go home." While Mr. Burnet and Mrs. Rowles had been talking, Roberts and the lock-keeper had also been conversing. "It is my own fault," Rowles said, "and my wife's. One might know that a London girl like that would be sure to get into trouble in the country.

Mary was well known to the old lock-keeper who had controlled those great sluices for thirty years or more, and she knew that at night he was often compelled to be on duty, and might at that very moment be sitting on the bench outside his house, smoking his short clay. I, however, had no such fear.