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A telephone message ahead may stop us, unless we can keep from being seen." I took the wheel, and did not stop the car as Kennedy climbed over the seat. In the back of the car, where Mrs. Cranston was sitting, he hastily adjusted the peculiar apparatus. "Sounds at night are very hard to locate," he explained. "Up this side road, Walter; there is some one coming ahead of us."

It afforded the ambitious Perk considerable satisfaction to hug the idea to his heart that possibly the chance might be given Jack and himself to locate some of these land stations where all this flagrant smuggling business was going on the prospect of their's being the force to deal the outlaw organization a killing blow brought in its train the thrill he loved so well.

The gas was strong enough to kill all the young foliage of the roses and other plants in our garden, while closer to the front a number of horses were poisoned by it. Several hundred soldiers of British regiments were gassed and the Germans, under cover of the gas cloud, raided the British trenches in an endeavour to locate and blow up certain mine shafts.

Reuben Harrison presented the following petition: We, the undersigned, respectfully request your honorable body to appoint viewers to view and locate a road from Musick's ferry on Salt Creek, via New Salem, to the county line in the direction of Jacksonville. "And Abram Lincoln deposited with the clerk $10, as the law directs.

"We'll probably use weights, and see how far they move along the bottom in a given time. But we have established one thing, and I begin to have hopes now that we may locate the Pandora." The remainder of the day was spent in various ways aboard the submarine, which continued to float idly on the waves.

And even if they didn't locate it till I am dead, they'd feel disgraced to think their father had been a pirate. You'll have to take it." We agreed, therefore, to ease him of the responsibility of his strangely gotten gain.

The more the Rover boys talked about the treasure hunt the more enthusiastic they became, until, as Tom expressed it, they were "simply boiling over with enthusiasm." "It will be a grand thing for the Stanhopes and the Lanings if we do locate that treasure," said Sam. "Mr. Laning has some money, but I know he'd like more, so he wouldn't have to farm quite so hard."

"That does as well as anything for a time." He sat down opposite me, and looked at me intently. "Mrs. Pitman," he said, "did you ever hear the story of the horse that wandered out of a village and could not be found?" I shook my head. "Well, the best wit of the village failed to locate the horse. But one day the village idiot walked into town, leading the missing animal by the bridle.

We can pretend to locate the stuff. Fix up a couple of dummy sacks, you know, and get them to camp and packed on the horse without letting them see what's inside. If Lyn gave Lessard the right figures, there should be between a hundred and forty or fifty pounds of dust. It's small in bulk, but weighty as a bad conscience.

"That's the only drawback to this cave," said Slocum. "It will be all to the good when the winter settles in earnest, but it will be some bother while it's still snowin' an' thawin'." I told him that I agreed with him to such an extent that if I could locate the burro I'd rather risk gettin' back to humanity than to dyin' there of rheumatiz. I was wringin' wet through.