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It was a gentleman named Vigors, distantly related to the deceased, and who had been, in point of station, the most eminent of Dr. Lloyd's partisans in the controversy with myself, a man of no great scholastic acquirements, but of respectable abilities.

My poor husband died twenty years ago, got his hand cut in a machine in Lloyd's, and had lockjaw, and I was left with my daughter that had spinal disease, and my little boy that died, and my own health none too good, and and he he came to my house, one night after the funeral, and and told me he was goin' to look out for me, and he has, he has.

Pierce, I think you would scarcely have heard her descend." "Well, as she didn't go down, of course I didn't hear her," snapped Mrs. Pierce, with the feminine way of settling an argument by an unprovable statement. Mr. Monroe began on another tack. "When you went to Miss Lloyd's room," he said, "was the maid, Elsa, there?" "Miss Lloyd had just dismissed her for the night."

"Miss Swain is the tenth I have met. But I vow they excel as they proceed." "Then you must meet no more, my Lord," said Patty, laughing at Mr. Lloyd's predicament. "Egad, then, I will not," declared Comyn. "I protest I am satisfied." Then I was presented. He had won me on the instant with his open smile and frank, boyish manner. "And this is young Mr.

His own joy seemed to overwhelm him. He forgot his stocks, he forgot his borrowed money, he forgot Lloyd's; he was perfectly happy at the sight of that beautiful young creature of his own heart, who was preferred before all others in the sight of the whole city. In truth, there was about Ellen a majesty and nobility of youth and innocence and beauty which overawed.

Lloyd's, there lived a Mr. Beal Bondley, a wealthy slaveholder. In the direction of his land, and near the shore, there was an excellent oyster fishing ground, and to this, some of the slaves of Col. Lloyd occasionally resorted in their little canoes, at night, with a view to make up the deficiency of their scanty allowance of food, by the oysters that they could easily get there. This, Mr.

Reaching my home, I hastened to provide for the comfort of my two unexpected guests; strove to rally myself, to be cheerful. Not till night, when Julius Faber and I were alone together, did I touch on what was weighing at my heart. Then, drawing to his side, I told him all, all of which the substance is herein written, from the deathscene in Dr. Lloyd's chamber to the hour in which I had seen Dr.

I wrote out an agreement with Lloyd's for the insurance of the ship. Captain Thom, an old friend of the Expedition, happened to be in Husvik with his ship, the 'Orwell', loading oil for use in Britain's munition works, and he at once volunteered to come with us in any capacity. I asked him to come as captain of the 'Southern Sky'. There was no difficulty about getting a crew.

Lloyd's alone is not the subject of one text-book, nor of several, but of a regular and constantly increasing library. What, then, can usefully be said in a very few words about the still more complex affairs of government administration?

There were very few foreign 'Lloyd's' then, and no colonial; so it was a serious matter when the English Lloyd's looked askance at anything not built of oak. Canada tried her own oak; but it was outclassed by the more slowly growing and sounder English oak. Canada then fell back on tamarac, or 'hackmatac, as builders called it.