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Think, too, of the poor green and brown tree frogs with their sucker feet, compelled always to hop along the ground! Lizards, from tiny swifts to sixty-inch iguanas, would sorely miss the trees, while the lithe green tree snakes and the tree boas would have to change all their life habits in order to be able to exist. But as for the cold, uncanny turtles and alligators, what are trees to them!

His face was prepossessing, with large but not irregular features, bronzed fair skin, hazel eyes, and long brown moustache. He looked strong and was lithe of form, as if he had not done much hard bodily work. There was no one else in the room except a man who appeared to be sleeping at a table in the far corner with his head pillowed on his arms.

"The bull selected to sustain the honour and verify the pluck of Attakapas on this trying occasion was a black animal from the Opelousas, lithe and sinewy as a four year old courser, and with eyes like burning coals.

He was in the prime of manhood, tall and lithe; enveloped in a burnous which shrouded his dark eye, his white turban, and his gold-embroidered vests; his long lance was couched in its rest, as he galloped up the winding steep of Canobia.

But Carlotta threw her cards on the table and herself on the sofa and said she would prefer to hear Pasquale talk. "He says such funny things." Then she jumped from the sofa and handed him the box of chocolates that is never far from her side. How lithe her movements are!

She stood silent before me, with something pitiful in her pose a wonderfully pretty woman, whose disarranged hair and dilapidated hat could not mar her beauty; whose clumsy, ill-fitting garments could not conceal her lithe grace.

Even in her mortal terror, she could recognize that the cries were not those of rage, but of vacant satisfaction; that although she was lifted on lithe shoulders, the grasp of her limbs was gentle, and the few dark faces she could see around her were glistening in childlike curiosity.

Rage lent him for the moment unwonted power. He kept well up for some distance, growling fiercely as he ran, but the lithe limbs and sound lungs of the boy were too much for him. He soon fell behind, and finally stopped, while Pax ran on until out of breath.

They lightened the chilly-looking sea; they touched a golden tress just one, that stole out from under the gray blanket. The girl's face could not be seen; the heavy covering concealed the lines of the lithe young form. As she continued to sleep undisturbed by the first manifestations of the dawn the woman's glance swept backward to him at the helm.

A new, lithe and lovely dignity seemed to possess her an exquisite, graceful, indefinable something which lent a hint of splendour to her as she turned and looked down at him.