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Our nursery tales, taught our infant lips to lisp in English, and the ballads, that first exercised our memories, stored the mind with the traditions of our forefathers; their literature was our literature, their religion our religion, their history our history.

'Tis but a wearisome relief to conversation to have interludes of songs about Strephon and Sylvia, recited with a lisp by a gentleman with fringed gloves and a languishing look." "Fie on it," cried Tarleton, "let us seek for a fresher topic. Are you asked to Abigail Masham's to-night, or will you come to Dame de la Riviere Manley's?" "Dame de la what? in the name of long words who is she?" "Oh!

No, sir, thrice that paltry amount should not tempt me now to such degradation!" "You have done well, sir," said Delwood, calmly, as he placed double the amount of Mrs. Santon's bribe in the Signor's hand; "you have done well, sir; and mark my words, gold can never relieve a guilty conscience! Go, sir, and see that you lisp not a syllable of this to any one." Mr.

Cicely came forward, and with a little lisp, repeated her brother's invitation rather perfunctorily. Sir William took his guests to their car, and bade a cordial farewell to Sarratt. 'Good-bye and good luck. What shall I wish you? The D.S.O., and a respectable leave before the summer's over? You will be in for great things. Sarratt shook his head.

He was a long, thin man, with a grizzled moustache and a mild sleepy eye-not an impressive figure, except on a horse; and he had an odd lisp which made even a shrewd remark sound foolish. He was the most industrious creature in the world, and a model of official decorum.

"Well, then, mother, let us hear what it is." "It is to nurse you, and rear you, when you are unable to help yourselves; to guide your first steps, and teach you to lisp your first syllables. For this purpose, God has given her qualities that attract sympathy and engender love.

And so Mary became the baby's own little foster-mother, and she carried him about, and long before he could lisp a word she had told him all the hopes and secrets of her heart, and he cooed and laughed, and lying on the floor, kicked his heels in the air and treated hope and love and ambition alike. I can not find that Mary ever went to school.

So cease talking about Caesar and pass no severer judgments on dilettanti in the purple than on your wealthy pupils, who paint and chisel for the mere love of it, and for whom you find it so easy to lisp out 'charming, or 'wonderfully pretty, or 'remarkably nice. Take my warning in good part, you know I mean it well."

He addressed the meeting on one of the passing topics of the day; something in his manner savouring of affectation, something in the semi-Saxon lisp that struggled through his low-toned utterances, something in the total lack of suitable gesture, gave his listeners at the outset an unfavourable impression of the young speaker.

Maggie bent till her pannier took the high Grecian curve as she opened her parasol, then she gave him the tip end of her gloved fingers, and said, with the sweetest lisp possible: "How do you do, Mr. Stacy? It is ages and ages since I have had the honor of meeting you. How is Mrs. Stacy and the and the " "Thank you a thousand times, Miss Casey; but but in short, Mrs.