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The sewing trades in many branches, cap-makers, straw-workers, book-folders and stitchers and lace-makers were among the trades represented. In Philadelphia the tailoresses in 1850 formed an industrial union. It maintained a coöperative tailoring shop, backed by the support of such coöperative advocates as George Lippard, John Shedden, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Oakes Smith.

"That is understood," replied Mr. Lippard. "You will be regarded as passengers; but of course if you commit any act hostile to the government of the United States, you will be considered as enemies, and treated as prisoners of war," Christy proceeded. "I hope the situation is clearly understood."

The captain holds a commission in the Confederate Navy, but the ship has never been into a Confederate port, Captain Passford," replied the senior, who had learned the commander's name. "As you call me by name, perhaps you will enable me to do as much with you," added Christy. "My name is Farley Lippard; I shipped as first officer of the Scotian," replied the senior.

"Certainly, sir; we have no interest in the quarrel in the States, and we are not in the pay of the Confederacy, as they call it," replied Mr. Lippard. "Then there will be no trouble. Captain Flint," called the commander. Flint, who had been very busy appointing petty officers and organizing the new crew, came at the call and was introduced to the late officers of the prize.

"And mine is Edward Sangston; and I shipped as second officer of the steamer." "We shipped only for the voyage, and were told that we could not retain our situations after the ship's company was fully organized," added Mr. Lippard. "Then I hope you were paid in advance, as the engineers were," said Christy with a smile. "We were, sir, thank you," added the first officer.