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"I'deed, yes," he drawled out; "dead as a buck. Thunder! ye've gin it him atween the eyes, plum. He is one of the fellers, es my name's Bob Linkin. I kud sw'ar to them mowstaches among a million." At this moment a patrol of night gendarmes came up; and Lincoln, and Jack, and myself were carried off to the calaboose, where we spent the remainder of the night.

"Were I but young for thee, as I haz been, We should have been gallopin' down in your green. And linkin' it owre the lily-white lea; And ah, gin I were but young for thee!" Of a sudden he sat up stiffly, at the sound of a tap-tap on the window-pane behind him. Yes, decidedly the sound came from the window. The wind as Archelaus had said was rising; but this was no wind.

Abraham Linkin with his pat anecdotes ruined our standin' with dignified nashuns, sez he. 'We cultivated publishers is sick o' hearin' furrin' nashuns roarin' over funny 'Merrikan stories; we're goin' to show 'em that, even ef we haven't classes and titles and sich, we kin be dull.

"Wal! yer own likes! but if I can do yer a good turn, you can depend on Bob Linkin mind that." "Thank you! thank you!" And before I could interfere to prevent it, she was gone. I could hear the voice, sad and sweet in the distance, calling back, "Adios!" I had no time for reflection, else the mystery that surrounded me would have occupied my thoughts for hours. It was time to act.

I was beginning to fancy the whole thing a dream, when the voice of the man at my side dispelled this illusion. "Mister," said he, placing his arms akimbo, and facing me, "if ye'll tell me yur name, I ain't a-gwine to forgit it. No, Bob Linkin ain't that sorter." "What! Bob Lincoln? Bob Lincoln of the Peaks?"

Showmen, sir, is honest men. Ef you doubt their literary ability, look at their posters, and see small bills! Ef you want a Cabinit as is a Cabinit fill it up with showmen, but don't call on me. The moral wax figger perfeshun musn't be permitted to go down while there's a drop of blood in these vains! A. Linkin, I wish you well!

"I ken mair aboot thae things than you, fully; an', though I am a tattie man, look at Abraham Linkin; he was waur than a tattie man to begin wi'; an' the Jook o' Wellinton michty, he was born in Ireland; an' look what he cam' till! I tell you what it is, Bawbie, if they'd haen me at the battle o' Waterloo, you wudda heard anither story o't.

Ef Powers or Walcutt wus to pick out a model for a beautiful man, I scarcely think they'd sculp you; but ef you do the fair thing by your country you'll make as putty a angel as any of us! A. Linkin, use the talents which Nature has put into you judishusly and firmly, and all will be well! A. Linkin, adoo!"

But I hadn't more'n stood him up strate before another man cum crashing down the chimney, his head strikin me viliently again the inards and prostratin my voluptoous form onto the floor. "Mr. Linkin," shoutid the infatooated being, "my papers is signed by every clergyman in our town, and likewise the skoolmaster!"

Soulis lowped through the garden hedge, and ran, wi' skelloch upon skelloch, for the clachan. That same mornin', John Christie saw the Black Man pass the Muckle Cairn as it was chappin' six; before eicht, he gaed by the change-house at Knockdow; an' no lang after, Sandy M'Lellan saw him gaun linkin' doun the braes frae Kilmackerlie.