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"'No fear, says he; 'I'll tache ye enough Portuguese in a month or two to begin with, an' ye'll pick it up aisy after that. And sure enough I began, tooth and nail, and, by hard workin', got on faster than I expected; for I can spake as much o' the lingo now as tides me over needcessities, and I understand most o' what's said to me. Anyhow, I ginerally see what they're drivin' at."

But it warn't no use; he stormed right along, and said any man that pretended to be an Englishman and couldn't imitate the lingo no better than what he did was a fraud and a liar.

Madame Jeannin was mending stockings and talking to the old nurse, who was standing by her side and giving an account of her day's expenditure, and seizing the opportunity for a little gossip: she always had some amusing tale to tell in her extraordinary lingo, which used to make them roar with laughter, while Antoinette would try to imitate her. M. Jeannin watched them silently.

Is it the Boundary Line, or Creole Case, or Colonial Trade, or the Burnin' of the Caroline, or Right o' Sarch? or what national subject is on the carpet to-day? Howsundever, sais I, 'let the charge be what it will, slugs, rifle-bullets, or powder, go I must, that's a fact. So I tips him a shot right off; here's the draft, Sir; it's in reg'lar state lingo. "Sir,

The Yankee lingo is insoluble in poetry, and the accent would give a flavor of essence-pennyr'y'l to the very Beatitudes. It differs from Lowland Scotch as a patois from a dialect. But criticism is not a game of jerk-straws, and Mr. Whittier has other and better claims on us than as a stylist. There is true fire in the heart of the man, and his eye is the eye of a poet.

"You are a darling," Dick said in English, with the native impudence of a midshipman, "and I wish I knew enough of your lingo to tell you." "What does he say?" she asked of Ned. "He is a sailor," Ned said; "and sailors say things we on shore would not venture to say. My brother says you are the flower of his heart."

Nils was delirious, staring up at us with brilliant, unseeing eyes, and babbling in his own lingo. "He say, mudder, mudder," commented Lindquist in a choked voice. "I know his mudder." Newman explored the hurts with his finger, and his gentle touch brought gasps of agony. His face grew very grave. Then he ripped up a blanket, and with my assistance, skillfully bandaged Nils about the body.

Antonio, the "Mustanger" of the Leona. "Creasing" a Wild Horse. The Prairie-dog Town. Wild Turkeys. The Missing Boys. Prisoners in the Hands of the Comanches. The "Lingo" of the Plains. The Ransom and Rescue. Dog Meat. Comanches in the Distance. Attacked. The Fight. The Arapahoe Scout to the Rescue. Wounded. Comanche Signals. More Trouble. The Ambuscade. A Night Attack. A Mule killed.

"Found her squatting on the grass, pulling flowers," he replied, almost out of breath. "Don't know her name. She talks lingo." The whole company laughed. The new-comer was a roly-poly, round enough to roll, with reddish-brown face, and a mop of black hair, cut in a straight line just above the eyes. But such eyes! large and lambent, with a foreshadowing of sadness in their expression.

"All right, Mem," said the Countess of Cornbeef, removing the lid, "I'll stay; but keep that husband of yours with the woozy lingo out of the kitchen, because I'm a nervous woman I am that!" and then the Duchess of Devilledkidneys got a strangle-hold on her green umbrella and ducked for the grub foundry. Aunt Martha sighed and went in the house.