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He almost became boyish. But when he began to discuss great problems the lightness vanished and he became the serious thinker. We harked back to the days when I had first seen him in England. I asked him to tell me what he thought of the aftermath of the stupendous struggle. He said: "The war was just a phase of world convulsion. It made the first rent in the universal structure.

I ask and require thee that thou assoil me from the bond of the reproof and shame, or certainly upon the earth keep me. Thou knowest well, Lord, that I never desired man, but I have kept clean my soul. I never meddled me with players, ne never had part of them that walk in lightness. I consented for to take an husband with thy dread.

The ordered elegance of the scene had the charm of an eighteenth-century picture. It reminded you not of Watteau, whose landscapes are so idyllic that they recall only the woodland glens seen in dreams, but of the more prosaic Jean-Baptiste Pater. Philip's heart was filled with lightness. They went to an Italian restaurant for luncheon and ordered themselves a fiaschetto of Chianti.

Their efficiency is very low, from 25 to 36 per cent., according to their lightness of make and form of buckets. The relative velocity of the periphery of the wheel to the velocity of the current should be 50 per cent. with curved blades for best effect.

And she looked up at him wistfully. "You thought it might benefit you to know. This is only my opinion. Others may not see it this way. But I am giving it for what it is, and I am giving it only because you asked it and have asked it repeatedly." He roused himself. "Go on," he said, with evident forced lightness. "I see your viewpoint perfectly."

Practice and routine would have given me that ease, lightness, and assurance, without which the natural gift and impulse dies away. But on the contrary, I have developed two opposed habits of mind, the habit of scientific analysis which exhausts the material offered to it, and the habit of immediate notation of passing impressions.

If he was to win his own soul by consigning Ann and her father to probable perdition, he did not want to win it. The August morning came radiant and fresh; the air, sharp with a touch of frost from neighbouring hills, bore strength and lightness for every creature.

On the other hand, the lightness of pastry and the tenderness of cookies depend on how each is rolled out, and the kneading of bread is a process that demonstrates that many things can be learned by actually doing them. As progress is made with these cookery lessons, therefore, the application of the mixing processes should not be overlooked.

The aeroplane to-day, one of the structural triumphs of the world in its lightness and its strength, has a factor of safety which is sufficient to meet, and to withstand, not merely ordinary strains, but any such abnormal stresses as it may encounter and which may be many times greater than the strains of normal flight.

Oh! the summerlike grace, the freedom and softness, of the "Summer" a hayfield such as we visited to-day, but boundless, and with touches of level Italian architecture in the hot, white, elusive distance, and wreaths of flowers, fairy hayrakes and the like, suspended from tree to tree, with that wonderful lightness which is one of the charms of his work.