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And now that life had cast him into this place, Bedient found himself utterly unable to contend with the squalor of fact and mind; indeed, he was quite as ineffectual as he had been in the midst of the glittering deviltry of The Pleiad.... Abased before realities; lost to the meaning of every excellence of his life-training; shattered by psychic revolts; his brain reflecting the strange mirages and singing the vague nothings of starvation but enumeration only dulls the picture!

The horrible practices that would form a part of his life-training would alone be sufficient to bar him forever from association with those of his own race and station in life. A cannibal! His little boy a savage man-eater! It was too horrible to contemplate. The filed teeth, the slit nose, the little face painted hideously. Tarzan groaned.

He had three or four splendid offers to begin his medical career, but he refused them all, smilingly, genially, and to-day he is back there, devoting his life and skill to the tribe of Five Feathers, "best Indian in all the Hudson's Bay country." Sons of Savages Life-Training of the Redskin Boy-child

Boston: Roberts Brothers. A man of fair culture and a frequenter of cultured society pleads in these pages the attractions of an intellectual bias or life-training: he pleads to all accessible classes to the curate and to the nobleman, "to a country gentleman who regretted that his son had the tendencies of a dilettante," "to a lady of high culture who found it difficult to associate with persons of her own sex," and so on.