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Two years passed away, and the current of life grew stronger, as each wave inflowed to the shore where Dawn sat, waiting for shattered barks. This was her life-mission, and well she knew, to help the lowly and down-trodden in every station of life, was but fulfilling the divine command.

Is your blood in no way impeded in its life-mission through your bodies? Are you protected from the winter's cold, from wind and wet at all points, as you should be? Can you breathe freely and easily the proper amount of air to oxygenate your blood and give you health and strength?

To safeguard them upon this height, to save them from being desecrated by every paltry and belittling view, to rescue them from every sentiment which did not spring from their purity, was really Schiller's aim, and appeared to him as his true life-mission determined for him by the original tendency of his nature.

No, my respected brother-in-law" and he made a sudden theatrical gesture, and his voice leapt to a roar, "understand I will carry on my life-mission as I choose, and never never to satisfy every fool will I carry the ass." His voice sank. "You know the fable." "Your mission!

It seems to rejuvenate the organism so that it is able to go on with its division and thus fulfil its life-mission which is the same for these lowly animals as with the higher, that of perpetuating the species. Classes of Protozoa. The group or Phylum Protozoa is divided into four smaller groups or classes. The amoeba belongs to the lowest of these, the Rhizopoda.