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Confused with the thrashing of the engines, with the roar of the gun he heard a strange voice shrieking unceasingly: "Cuba libre!" it yelled. "To hell with Spain!" and he found that the voice was his own. The story lost nothing in the way Carr wrote it. "And the best of it is," he exclaimed joyfully, "it's true!"

Pett had such strong objections, and in addition to these she had collected so many more of a like breed from the environs of Washington Square that the air was clamorous with the hoarse cries of futurist painters, esoteric Buddhists, vers libre poets, interior decorators, and stage reformers, sifted in among the more conventional members of society who had come to listen to them.

Paul Fort and Miss Amy Lowell, is prose that makes use of all the "voices" of poetry, viz. metre, vers libre, assonances, alliteration, rhyme and return.

Everybody was dancing up and down and yelling: "Viva los Americanos!" "Viva Puerto Rico Libre!" The storekeepers offered their whole stock to the officers, and declared that they would take no pay for anything. In the Plaza of Justice the people tore down the wooden-gilded crown and would have trampled upon it if the officers had not interfered and saved it as a souvenir.

O'Sullivan recently published an account of his expedition to the Prussian headquarters in the Electeur Libre. Because he said that the Prussians were conducting themselves well in the villages they occupied, the editor of the paper has been overwhelmed with letters reviling him for publishing such audacious lies.

Member of Société des Artistes Français, Société Libre, Société des prix du Salon et boursiers de voyage. Born in Paris. Pupil of her father. Several works of this sculptor have been purchased by the Government and are in the Bureaux of Ministers or in provincial museums. A "Bacchante" is in the Museum at Agen; a portrait bust in the Museum of Alger.

On the contrary, most of them are limited to the study of a period, of a style or of a locality; hence they cannot claim to be a dernier mot. Such a work has still to be written. Be it understood, nevertheless, that the author does not pretend Dios me libre! to have supplied the lack in the following pages. In a couple of thousand words it would be utterly impossible to do so.

They drank "Cuba Libre" in raspberry vinegar that had come all the way from Vermont, and Rita was obliged to confess that Señor Delmonte was a charming host, and that she was enjoying herself extremely. It was late in the afternoon when she and Marm Prudence took their way back through the forest.

It seemed quite natural that they should live 'en union libre', since they loved each other, and not weaken by legalities the strength of those that attached them to this child. But the mother is an actress, as I have told you, and wished her daughter to receive all the sacraments that the law and the church can confer. She managed so well that poor Nougarede yielded.

In France, it will be remembered, the case acquired its importance from the charge, made by the anti-Semite Drumont and his journal La Libre Parole, that the Jews were exploiting the Government and the country.