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Chastened by the half-averted face of irresponsive science, the glowing desire to inflate the list gave way to the crisper sort of satisfaction which is like the joy that cometh in the morning. White-rumped Wood-Swallow ARTAMUS LEUCOGASTER. Shining Starling CALORNIS METALLICA. Noisy Pitta PITTA STREPITANS.

Exp. 2 inches. Aquila fucosa, CUV. Ichthyiaetus leucogaster, GOULD. Pandion leucocephalus, GOULD. Haliastur sphenurus. Falco melanogenys, GOULD. sub-niger, G. R. GRAY. frontatus, GOULD. Ieracidea Occidentalis, GOULD. Berigora. Tinnunculus Cencroides.

Nyroca Australis, Eyton. Rhynchapsis Rhynchotis, STEPH. Malacorhynchus membranaceus, SWAINS. Podiceps Australis, GOULD. poliocephalus, JARD. and SELB. gularis, GOULD. Phalacrocorax pica. leucogaster, GOULD. Phalacrocorax sulcirostris. melanoleucus. Plotus Le Vaillantii? Pelecanus spectabilis, TEMM. Sula Australis, GOULD. Spheniscus minor. Lestris catarrhactes. Laras leucomelas.