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Argenson, who was informed of this imprisonment immediately it took place, instantly went to the Regent, who that very moment sent a 'lettre de cachet', ordering Pomereu to be taken from prison by force if the gaoler made the slightest difficulty in giving him up to the bearers of the 'lettre de cachet'; but that gentleman did not dare to make any.

La longueur un peu desordonnee de cette lettre, mon cher ami, vous prouvera mieux que tout ce que je pourrais dire les progres de ma sante. Je vais ecrire a Mme Grote. Rappelez-nous, je vous prie, tout particulierement au souvenir de Lady Theresa et de Sir C. Lewis. J'espere que Lord Hatherton ne m'a pas oublie. Mille et mille amities a tous les Senior.

The pamphleteers in the pay of my enemies, and those who merely copied these hirelings, assert that one evening after supper, when Louis was intoxicated with wine and my seductions, I prevailed upon him to sign a <lettre de cachet> against his minister, which he immediately revoked when the break of day had restored to him his senses. This was a malicious falsehood.

Chopin when applied to for his signature wrote: "La lettre venant des Allemands, comment voulez-vous que je m'arroge le droit de la signer?" The battle fought in the pages of the Musical World in 1841 illustrates the then state of matters in England. Hostilities commenced on October 28 with a criticism of the Mazurkas, Op. 41. Of its unparalleled nature the reader shall judge himself:

"O mon cher frere, vous pourrois-je expliquer quelle consolation ce m'etoit quand je voyois un pauure baptise mourir deux heures, une demi journee, une ou deux journees, apres son baptesme, particulierement quand c'etoit un petit enfant!" Lettre du Pere Garnier a son Frere, MS. This form of benevolence is beyond heretic appreciation.

The duchesse d'Aiguillon and my female friends hastened to question me relative to the duke's visit. I showed them the <lettre de cachet>, which confirmed the misfortune they had suspected from seeing Hamond, who was to be my escort, waiting in the anteroom to conduct me to the abbey of <Pont aux Dames>, near Meaux, the place of my exile.

It was more logical, and in many ways more equal and even equitable than the English oligarchy, but it really became a tyranny in case of rebellion or even resistance. There were none of the rough English safeguards of juries and good customs of the old common law; there was lettre de cachet as unanswerable as magic.

This was more than Diana could bear without some kind of protest. "You must not take papa's praises au pied de la lettre, M. Lenoble," she said; "I have been by no means brave or patient under adversity. There are troubles which one must bear. I have borne mine somehow; but I claim no praise for having submitted to the inevitable."

At their meals, the Fathers sat on logs around the fire, over which their kettle was slung in the Indian fashion. Lettre du P. Du Peron a son Frere, 27 Avril, 1639. Chaumonot compares it to the paste used for papering the walls of houses. The repast was occasionally varied by a pumpkin or squash baked in the ashes, or, in the season, by Indian corn roasted in the ear. They used no salt whatever.

The Judgment is Not Executed. Full Mourning. Funeral Service. The Notary of Saint Elig. The Lettre de Cachet. The Marquis d'Antin, my son, with the consent of the King, had remained under my control, and had never consented to quit me to rejoin his father.