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Keramôi d' ou chrôntai, says Strabo. These words, as Letronne remarked

WICHMANN. This bright crater, about 5 miles in diameter, stands on a light area in Oceanus Procellarum, N.N.W. of Letronne and nearly due E. of Euclides. Some distance on the N.E. are the relics of what appears once to have been a large enclosure, represented now by a few isolated mountains. HERIGONIUS. A ring-plain, about 7 miles in diameter, in the Mare Procellarum, N.W. of Gassendi.

On the W. of Billy and Hansteen is a wide inlet of the Oceanus Procellarum, bounded by the Letronne region on the W., and on the S. by lofty highlands. On the surface, not far from the S.W. border of Hansteen, is a curious triangular-shaped mountain mass, with a digitated outline on the S., and including a small bright crater on its area.

The circle of the zodiac from Dendera, which is now in Paris, an astronomical ceiling painting, which was believed at the time of its discovery to be of great age, is not nearly so ancient as was supposed, dating only from the end of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Letronne was the first to estimate it correctly.

Letronne is a half-submerged ring, at the southern end of the Oceanus Procellarum, which recalls Fracastorius in the western lunar hemisphere. It lies, however, ten degrees nearer the equator than Fracastorius. Billy is a mountain ring whose interior seems to have been submerged by the dark substance of the Oceanus Procellarum, although its walls have remained intact.

The circle of the zodiac from Dendera, which is now in Paris, an astronomical ceiling painting, which was believed at the time of its discovery to be of great age, is not nearly so ancient as was supposed, dating only from the end of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Letronne was the first to estimate it correctly.

On the plain N. of the bay, is a large bright crater, from which a fine curved ridge runs to the central mountains. If Letronne is observed under oblique illumination, the low mounds and ridges on the Mare outside impress one with the idea that they represent the remains of a once complete N. wall.

Not finding other explanations in the ancient writers, posterity has accepted this, which was simple enough; but about a century ago an erudite Frenchman, Letronne, studying certain coins, and comparing with them certain passages in ancient historians, until then remaining obscure, was able to demonstrate that in 36 B.C., at Antioch, Antony married Cleopatra with all the dynastic ceremonies of Egypt, and that thereupon Antony became King of Egypt, although he did not dare assume the title.

M. Letronne has proved that in 795, sixty-five years consequently before the Danes, Irish monks landed in Iceland and established themselves on the coast. It is only known that the existence of an island, traversed by a great river and situated to the west of Ireland, was, on the faith of the Irish, a dogma for mediaeval geographers.

BILLY. A ring-plain, 31 miles in diameter, S.E. of Letronne, with a very dark floor, depressed about 1000 feet below the grey surface on the W., and a regular border, rising more than 3000 feet above it. There is a narrow gap on the S., and indications of a crater on the N.W. rim. Two small craters stand on the S. half of the interior. The formation is flanked on the S.W. by highlands.