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'Well, they sorter agreed about somethin' like that. 'My word, that's into our hands, ain't it? Lemme see, we must be a band of bushrangers what's robbed the gold escort an' the mounted p'lice're huntin' us in the ranges. I'll be yes, I'll be Morgan. An' Ted ! What'll we make Ted? I know I know. He'll be my faithful black boy, what'll rather die than leave me.

"Twouldn't never do, neither, fur you to slip off an' mebbe git yo'se'f crippled up. Whar would this yere pertracted meetin' be then? Lemme think. Ah, hah! I got it the notion jes' come to me. Purfessor, listen yere." He placed his lips close to the other's ear and spoke perhaps fifty words in a confidential whisper.

Dad seed a lot o' tracks at sun up." "No o " Patsey. "I am; know where I kin get a six-shooter." "Can't! We've runn'd away for real pirates." Patsey. "Not for good!" "Yes!" "Can't go back again. Never! Never! Never! The the eye is cast!" "No'o! Sho'o! Wanter know." "The Perleese is on our track!" Patsey. "Lemme go with yer!" Hickory. "Wot'll yer giv?" Patsey. "Pistol and er bananer."

"What are you up to?" she demanded, knowing very well. "I'm going to blast that iron monkey off Fay's back if it's the last thing I do!" She threw her arms around him. "Now lemme go," Gusterson growled. "I gotta be a man one time anyway."

Bangs nodded. "O.K.," he said. "O.K. But how about letting me take care of my buddy. He's hurt." "Just a bump on the head," said Loring. "He'll come out of it soon enough." "Hey," shouted Mason, "I can't figure out these controls!" Loring growled angrily. "Here, lemme at them!"

Do you know Adam Smith? "'Lemme see, says I. 'There was a one-eared man named Smith in Fort Worth, Texas, but I think his first name was "'I am referring to the political economist, says Wainwright. "'S'mother Smith, then, says I. 'The one I speak of never was arrested.

I didn't see you come out of the galley like you didn't know there was anybody on deck, and walk right under the rigging where I was waiting for just such tricks. Oh, no! I was dreaming, I was. Oh, yes." "Dat Kipping," the cook whispered, "he's hand and foot with Mistah Falk." "Lemme in, you woolly-headed son of perdition, or I swear I'll take the kinky scalp right off your round old head."

Stranger, I'm no end sorry this has happened. Maybe you'd lemme know why you was in such a hurry to get to Stillwater. If they's any trouble coming down the road behind you, maybe I can help take care of it for you." And he smiled coldly and significantly at Bill Gregg. The latter eyed with some wonder the man who had just shot him down and was now offering to fight for his safety.

Jimmy, looking around to see that Sarah Jane had gone back to the kitchen, as promptly rolled over the fence and joined him. "Lemme see yo' dog," said the former. "Ain't he cute?" said the latter. The little darkey picked up the dog and passed it across the gate. "I wish he was mine," said the smaller child, as he took the soft, fluffy little ball in his arms; "what'll you take for him?"

"She's got her popper's temper along with his smartness. They ain't either one of them got a grain of sense when they git mad. I never seen a child with such a temper, did you, Popper?" But Sheeley did not heed her; he was busy doing the honors to one he evidently considered an honored guest. "Sit right down here, Mr. Dillingham, lemme take the book out of the chair.