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Controlling the expression of his face, he rose upon his crutches and descended the steps to greet Barbara at the curb. "Glad to see you!" said she. "And how about Wednesday night for the party? Mr. Allen is coming, and I have asked three or four other people." The legless man bowed and said: "Thank you. Wednesday at half-past nine."

The thing smiled in the full knowledge of good and evil, the fact that it had chosen evil, the fact that it was lost forever. It was no contagious smile, but a smile aloof and dreadful. So a man, impaled, may smile, when agony has passed beyond the usual human passions and even so the legless man smiled upward at the smiling bust of himself.

The distance in each race was 200 meters. The junior race was won in thirty-five seconds, and this curious day's sport was ended by a course de consolation, which was carried off in thirty-three seconds by M. Mausire, but whether he was a cuissard or a jambard was not stated. On several occasions in England, cricket matches have been organized between armless and legless men.

Oh, I could give you a hundred instances, both ancient and modern, of this unseemly propensity of our illustrious race, though I will only trouble you with a few more ancient ones; they not only nicknamed Regner, but his sons also, who were all kings, and distinguished men: one, whose name was Biorn, they nicknamed Ironsides; another, Sigurd, Snake in the Eye; another, White Sark, or White Shirt I wonder they did not call him Dirty Shirt; and Ivarr, another, who was king of Northumberland, they called Bienlausi, or the Legless, because he was spindle-shanked, had no sap in his bones, and consequently no children.

"They go to Benediction," said the Count. "A beautiful sight, with many lights and flowers. It is a pity you cannot take a peep at it." Tony thought so too, and in another minute a legless beggar had pulled back the leathern flap of the cathedral door, and they stood in a haze of gold and perfume that seemed to rise and fall on the mighty undulations of the organ.

But if she breaks her word, why on the 15th of January she will be taken, wherever she is, and brought here, and we we won't be married!" He laughed a long, ugly laugh. "What are you going to do with me?" The legless man considered, "I'm afraid you'll be too jealous to have about, my pretty Rose.

Andrews did not look at his body. "Somebody said he was a Red Cross man giving out cigarettes.... Fooled us that time," said Andrews. "Have a butt? I've got one," said the legless man. With a large shrunken hand that was the transparent color of alabaster he held out a box of cigarettes. "Thanks." When Andrews struck a match he had to lean over the legless man to light his cigarette for him.

They consolidated their positions in a great semicircle all round us and we just held the bay and the Salt Lake and the Kapanja Sirt. So all this seemed sheer waste. Thousands of lives wasted thousands of armless and legless cripples sent back for nothing. The troops soon realised that it was now hopeless. You can't "kid" a great body of men for long.

Among the cows, the starlings were shot into tatters, so that they crawled wingless, legless, maimed, into holes in the stone fences to die. If a respectable curlew sat by the water's edge mirroring his long bill, a rascal of a hunter lay behind a stone and sighted; and was there a water-puddle with rushes that could conceal a young duck, there immediately came a fully-armed hero with raised gun.

On this bloody field over thirty thousand lay headless, armless, legless, all cut and mangled, who gave knowledge to the world how dear the Turk paid for his conquest of Transylvania and Wallachia a conquest that might have been averted if the three Christian armies had been joined against the "cruel devouring Turk."