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But what are they? not the modulated instrument we mean simply legs for leg-work, dumb as the brutes. Our cavalier's is the poetic leg, a portent, a valiance. He has it as Cicero had a tongue. It is a lute to scatter songs to his mistress; a rapier, is she obdurate. In sooth a leg with brains in it, soul. And its shadows are an ambush, its lights a surprise.

For P.T., here, it will be jest bristle, shuffle, one, two brad through each eye, and 'Cock-a-doodle-doo! All over! But it will give you a chance to see some of his leg-work, and a touch or two of his fancy spurrin' and then you can take old Sculch-scratcher by the legs and hold him up and inform Bat Reeves that he can come and claim property. It's his own game and we're playin' it!

To sit down before the rendezvous pipe in hand, and expect the evasive sailor to come of his own accord and beg the favour of being pressed, would have been a futile waste of time and tobacco. The very essence of the gangman's duty lay in the leg-work he did. To that end he ate the king's victuals and wore the king's shoe-leather. Consequently he was early afoot and late to bed.

Maloney's precious newspapers, this in making fancifully cut covers for the shelves. "Oh, let's look civilized!" she cried. She came home at noon, her girl friends accompanying her, but waiting, as before, in the area. She was not so shy as she had been the first day; instead, she was dignified as she viewed the arm- and leg-work, praised Johnnie with sweet condescension, and thanked Mr.

Then for an instant he let up in his heaves as if to take breath for a new and more furious attack. It was a fatal pause. Until that moment Teeny-bits had been content to cling on and make a defensive fight of it. Now suddenly he changed his tactics to the offensive. By clever leg-work he got Bassett lurching backward.

Uncle William looked at him keenly. "The' 's a good deal of leg-work to an exhibit, ain't they?" "Yes." The artist smiled faintly. Uncle William nodded. "I thought so. Well, it's all you can do to set in a chair with a piller behind you. I wouldn't say no more about picters if I was you." He took down the mirror and laid it between two cushions, holding it in place while he reached for the knot.

Reg'lar meals, no smoke, and you may grow into a fine lad yet," carried himself off with the awkward leg-work of a heavy-bodied man, cheerily acknowledging the greetings of the little Sucker boys, and prodding the fattest of them in the ribs. Radley strolled away, followed by the wondering looks of boys who were told that this big man was S.T. Radley, of Middlesex.