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He leads the way to the "special" standing with snorting engine on the furthest track. He seats us and is gone again. A servant brings in our effects and the Baron follows. "Madame," he says, dropping into the seat behind Mrs. Steele, "I haf arrange to haf dthis man zee you to the ship he spik leedle English and I am told gude off him as sairvant.

"My child," those wonderful fingers seized her own, and clasped them tightly, "you have great promise, mind you, you know only a leedle now, and you must work work work." He brought it out so sharply, that the last word was fairly shrill. "But I tink you will," he added kindly, dropping his tone. Then he laid her fingers gently in her lap.

Der schtars deach you petter; dey goes right on der own vay und about der own pisness, unless dey vas voolish leedle schtars, like dot von dere dots shust gone to der duyvel vrom runin outen his vay toward der earth."

To her Eddring now sent his message, which brought both the ladies to the lower deck, for the first time in two days. "What," cried madame, "we go in that leedle boat! Ah, non! I stay by the ship; also mademoiselle." Miss Lady said nothing; she looked at the frail skiff, the turbulent river, and the great woods beyond, already growing mysterious beneath the veil of coming evening.

It was in trying to cross this piece of ground that she fell. She got upon her feet again. "Ach, Mammy, did you hurt yourself?" asked Hilda. "No, no." "Is that house where we get those bread'n milk?" Hilda pointed to a single rambling building just visible in the night, that stood isolated upon the summit of the hill in a grove of trees. "No, no, dere aindt no braid end miluk, leedle tochter."

No; I am a speck. Vot can I do? Veil, I go avay. I haf some money a leedle. I come to America. I do not like crowds any more. I like to be alone mit my violin. I find dis place; I build dis house; I lif here unt make happiness. My only neighbors are de remittance men, who iss more mischiefing as wicked. Dey vill nod bother me much. So after a time I die here. Vy nod? I am forgot in Stuttgart."

"How dare you; you are no gentleman!" "No, I am a loaver, Blanca, not von cold Nordthern zhentleman, who haf so leedle heart it can be hush, and zo dthin, poor blood it nefer rush fire at a voman's touch. Blanca, I haf been still for days, vaiting for dthis hour. I loaf you, darling, till all my life is nodthing but von longing I loaf you till I haf no conscience, no religion but my loaf.

Hooven, the washer replaced, turned to his work again, starting up the horses. The seeder advanced, whirring. "Ach, Hilda, leedle girl," he cried, "hold tight bei der shdrap on. Hey MULE! Hoop! Gedt oop, you." Annixter cantered on. In a few moments, he had crossed Broderson Creek and had entered upon the Home ranch of Los Muertos.

'You makes yourself sick all de time mit cryin'; an' your face be gettin' wite as my hankershif. De leedle boy, too, he sees you, an' he gets all so wite as you are, all de same. Dat is not goot. You gomes to see me, an' brings de boy to see my Hans. You get sheered up den. And I took her advice for Benton's sake." "What object had Mr. Seabrook in remaining where he was so unwelcome?

Now what perversity is in the mind of man, I meditate, that blinds him to such real beauty and accomplishment as Miss Rogers is blessed with? Of course, I'm not such a fool as not to see that with all my sadly palpable defects of face and temper, the big Peruvian finds me somehow interesting and "Miss Rogair a nice girl, but, like a dthousand odthers I haf know, a leedle stupeed."