United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

If you'll hand over that six bob now, I'll be getting home. I've got a good step to go yet." Tom Smith agreed almost pleasantly. "Right you are," he said, diving his hand into an inside pocket, "and, thank 'ee, I'll manage the rest, and I'd better manage it alone. I don't want to draw my friends into any trouble over it, leastways not those that have done me a good turn."

We was afraid for the money, you know, but it's all safe for your mate, father; and here's the key, and a letter as came for mother after she was dead. 'But this letter's from me to Peggy, said her father, turning it over and over; 'leastways it was wrote by the chaplain at the hospital, to tell her what she must do.

You're a funny man, by your account; but you're over now, and you'll maybe step down off that barrel and help vote." "I thought you said you knowed the rules," returned Silver contemptuously. "Leastways, if you don't, I do; and I wait here and I'm still your cap'n, mind till you outs with your grievances and I reply; in the meantime, your black spot ain't worth a biscuit. After that, we'll see."

"W'y, you ain't got no whiskers, my lord leastways, not with you now, but " "And what the devil has that got to do with it?" said I angrily.

"So, madame," said the old woman. "So Idamore, his name is Idamore, leastways that is what he calls himself, for his real name is Chardin Idamore fancied that your uncle had a deal more money than he owned to, and he managed to send his sister Elodie and that was a stage name he gave her to send her to be a workwoman at our place, without my daughter's knowing who she was; and, gracious goodness! but that girl turned the whole place topsy-turvy; she got all those poor girls into mischief impossible to whitewash them, saving your presence

They brought it in that he'd met his death by the visitation o' God brought about by a mistake o' the mare's an' helped on by the over-zealous behaviour of the County Surveyor. Leastways that's how they put it at first; but on the Coroner's advice they struck out the County Surveyor an' altered him to a certain party or parties unknown."

But, there he was, you mind, and the six all dead dead and buried. How had he done it, not a man aboard us could make out. It was battle, murder, and sudden death, leastways him against six. Billy Bones was the mate; Long John, he was quartermaster; and they asked him where the treasure was.

Dat's de very bes' lan' in Alabama. Leastways I dun hear de folks say 'tis heaps o' times. You's jokin' wid Joe, master." "No, I am not, Joe. You can buy the land if you want it, and there are a hundred and ten acres in the tract, besides the strip of woods along both creeks." "How's I gwine to buy it, master?" "Well, let me see. You're about thirteen now.

I know him well, bein' my wife's brother leastways half-brother for I don't want to take more o' the blame nor by rights belong to me. When he've got a drop in his nob, it's always for singin' he is an' that's the worst of him. Thank you kindly, miss." "Thank you, Mr. Jones," returned Hester. "We'll think no more of it."

But out in the world a woman can't afford to be no, nor a man, neither. You don't find this set down in the books, and they don't preach it in the churches leastways they didn't when I used to go to church. But it's true, all the same."