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I must have been absent in the neighborhood of two hours, and they had returned to the bank of the creek some time in advance of me. As I appeared at the edge of the wood, Sam hailed, offering to row the boat across. "All right," I replied, confident we were alone. "It will save me another wetting. You saw nothing?" "No, sah; leastways, not much," busily fitting the oars into the row-locks.

But he reckons he ain't got her in. Leastways, he says, no one has never seen her there but the doctor and the old lady and himself. Well, for my part, I never would of seen it there myself, but when he said it out plain like that any one could of told what he meant. You hadn't orter lay things up agin folks if the folks can't help 'em.

'I've not gone fra' home for nought; I'se picked up a measter on my travels, leastways one as is to be. 'Charley Kinraid, said Sylvia smiling, as she found that now she might reveal Molly's secret, which hitherto she had kept sacred. 'Charley Kinraid be hung! said Molly, with a toss of her head. 'Whatten good's a husband who's at sea half t' year?

He's far enough away by this time, for we s'arched the place round fur miles, and we took in that theer wood where we just see un. 'We never s'arched th' wood, says Dick, 'leastways, not proper, an' it's a rare hidin' place for un. 'So it be, to be sure, says I. 'If he sees that there light we'll be browt out from heer dead men, says Dick.

Leastways, not for a day or two after they came home from sea. And now it seems to me that Jack is more like poor Jim, as I remember him, than he ever was, for Jim was always more quiet, as if he were thinking." I told her I thought so, too. We passed the gate and went into the next field, walking side by side. Then she turned her head to look for Jack, but he wasn't in sight.

But she's never so much as passed by the window leastways when I've been watching, and I'm always watching. I can't do my duty by Mr George for staring out o' the window. 'Watching for Posy? said little Meg. 'Ay, watching for Posy, repeated Mrs Blossom, 'and she never goes by. 'Have you asked God to let her go by? asked Meg. 'Ay, my dear, said Mrs Blossom.

"I wouldn't exchange this buffalo robe, the leaves under it, the fire before my feet and the roof of rock over my head for the finest house in all the provinces. The power of contrast makes my present situation one of great luxury." "Power uv contrast! You do use a heap uv big words, Paul," said Long Jim, "but I 'spose they're all right. Leastways I don't know they ain't.

Neither you nor parson has any right to read that letter; and I don't want either of you to read it. Can Jane read writing?" "I don't know as she can, for, you see, what makes lasses take to writin' is when their young man's over the seas, leastways not in the mill over the brook." "I'll be back in a minute," said Thomas, and taking the letter from Rogers's hand, he left the shop again.

"After all that has happened, who can blame it on you? But your father was not so suspicious, miss. It might have been better for him if he had according, leastways, to my belief, which a team of wild horses will never drag out." "Oh, only let me hear you talk of that!" I exclaimed, forgetting all other things.

Leastways the two men were smart enough. But the boy seemed ready to cry, so that my heart smote me. 'There! said I, 'and Dicky can go too, if he'll pull for it. I shan't mind bein' left to myself. A redeemed man's never lonely least of all at Christmas time. "Well, sir, they nipped into the boat, leavin' me aboard to steer; and they pulled pulled like as if they'd pull their hearts out.