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I'll gulp it bravely, for I like sweets better." She sat down in her own rough little rocker, and swayed calmly to and fro. "Well, mum, the County Club, in session down to the store, delegated me to call on you. Leastway, I done told them I reckoned no one else but me should come first!" "Thank you again, Mr. Greeley."

If so be your way's mine, we might 'old on together. There seems to be pretty much men around 'ere, an' I never did take much stock in men. Leastway honly in one or two," with an appreciative remembrance of Colonel Rush and her young master, Russell Neville.

"I think I will, if you permit me to change my mind, Sir," said the other, suiting the action to the word. "Now, the idea of your being so intimate with Parson Whymper, and having staid at Squire Carew's! Why, the Squire's my landlord, and owns all about here leastway, short of Dunloppel. It's unlucky that this copper should have cropped out just beyond him, as it were."

"Well, I can't say as there are," said the landlord, with the air of a man who can afford to give a point in an argument; "but there's a many things not of this world that happen underground, leastway in our mines, for Sol there is from the north, and it mayn't be the same in those parts."

So this same dolorous knight served them all, that at the leastway he smote down horse and man, and all he did with one spear; and so when they were all ten on foot, they went to that one knight, and he stood stone still, and suffered them to pull him down off his horse, and bound him hand and foot, and tied him under the horse's belly, and so led him with them.

"Are you the little girl I saw here about a year ago?" says she. "May be I am, marm," says I; "cos I'm pretty well allers here, leastway in the mornings." She looked at me a bit, and then she says "'I should not have thought to find you such a big girl in so short a time. Do you remember me?

"Well, you understand, I wan't on the best of tarms wi' old Hick Holt, an' couldn't go to his clarin'. Besides after what had happened. I didn't like to go near Marian anyhow leastway for a while. I thort it would blow over 's soon's she'd find out that E war only jokin' wi' the Injun." "So one would have supposed."

"I don't mix the pastry with it to make it lightsome, leastway not ordinarily." She tossed her head, and the action revealed the small, kneeling, terrified figure at the window. Now the door was only half open, and her master was standing just beside it outside, so she only had the benefit of the spectacle.

I never did hear of a coachman standing up on his box to give a cheer, no, not to King George himself; but, then, King George never polished off two highwaymen all to himself, leastway, not as I've heard tell of. Now, these two young gents have done this. They have saved my coach and my passengers from getting robbed, and so I'm going to give 'em three cheers.